
Language-ext API reference

This library uses and abuses the features of C# to provide a functional-programming 'base class library' that, if you squint, can look like extensions to the language itself. The desire here is to make programming in C# much more reliable and to make the engineer's inertia flow in the direction of declarative and functional code rather than imperative.
The core types and functions that bring a functional 'prelude' and immutable types to C#
Wrapper for .NET System, for use with the language-ext Effect-System (netstandard2.0 features)
Wrapper for .NET System, for use with the language-ext Effect-System (.NET 5.0+ features)
Parser combinators library based on Haskell Parsec
'Reactive Extensions' extensions
F# interop library

Elsewhere on the web...

language-ext repo on GitHub
Paul Louth, author of language-ext on Twitter