- StreamT <M, A> (Func<K<M, MList<A>>> runListT)
- Tail ()
- Map <B> (Func<A, B> f)
- Empty
- Pure (A value)
- LiftF <F> (K<F, A> foldable)
- Lift (IAsyncEnumerable<A> stream)
- LiftM (IAsyncEnumerable<K<M, A>> stream)
- Lift (IAsyncEnumerator<A> stream)
- LiftM (IAsyncEnumerator<K<M, A>> stream)
- Lift (IEnumerable<A> stream)
- LiftM (IEnumerable<K<M, A>> stream)
- Lift (IEnumerator<A> stream)
- LiftM (IEnumerator<K<M, A>> stream)
- Lift (K<M, A> ma)
- LiftIO (IO<A> ma)
- LiftIO (K<IO, A> ma)
- Run ()
- Iter ()
- Head ()
- Fold <S> (S state, Func<S, A, Option<S>> f)
- FoldUntil <S> (S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> until)
- FoldWhile <S> (S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> @while)
- FoldM <S> (S state, Func<S, A, K<M, S>> f)
- Combine (StreamT<M, A> second)
- Combine (K<StreamT<M>, A> second)
- Merge (K<StreamT<M>, A> second)
- Merge (K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest)
- Zip <B> (K<StreamT<M>, B> second)
- Zip <B, C> ( K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third)
- Zip <B, C, D> ( K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth)
- Filter (Func<A, bool> f)
- Where (Func<A, bool> f)
- Select <B> (Func<A, B> f)
- Bind <B> (Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> f)
- Bind <B> (Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> f)
- Bind <B> (Func<A, Pure<B>> f)
- Bind <B> (Func<A, IO<B>> f)
- Bind <B> (Func<A, K<IO, B>> f)
- SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project)
- SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project)
- SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, Pure<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project)
- SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, IO<B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project)
- SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, K<IO, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project)
- + (StreamT<M, A> lhs, K<StreamT<M>, A> rhs)
- & (StreamT<M, A> lhs, K<StreamT<M>, A> rhs)
- >> (StreamT<M, A> lhs, K<StreamT<M>, A> rhs)
- >> (StreamT<M, A> lhs, K<StreamT<M>, Unit> rhs)
- StreamTExtensions
- As <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma)
- As <M, A> (this K<MList, A> ma)
- Run <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> mma)
- HeadOrFail <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma)
- HeadOrFail <E, M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, E error)
- HeadOrFail <E, M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, Func<E> error)
- Combine <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> mma)
- Flatten <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, StreamT<M, A>> mma)
- Flatten <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, K<StreamT<M>, A>> mma)
- Flatten <M, A> (this K<M, MList<K<M, MList<A>>>> mma)
- Flatten <M, A> (this MList<K<M, MList<A>>> mma)
- Append <M, A> (this K<M, MList<A>> xs, K<M, MList<A>> ys)
- Bind <M, A, B> (this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> f)
- Bind <M, A, B> (this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> f)
- Bind <M, A, B> (this IO<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> f)
- Bind <M, A, B> (this IO<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> f)
- SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project)
- SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project)
- SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this IO<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project)
- SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this IO<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project)
- Iter <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma)
- Head <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma)
- Tail <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma)
- Fold <M, A,S> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, Option<S>> f)
- FoldUntil <M, A, S> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> until)
- FoldWhile <M, A,S> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> @while)
- FoldM <M, A, S> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, K<M, S>> f)
- Combine <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, StreamT<M, A> second)
- Combine <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second)
- Merge <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second)
- Merge <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest)
- Zip <M, A, B> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second)
- Zip <M, A, B, C> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third)
- Zip <M, A, B, C, D> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth)
- Somes <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<OptionT<M, A>> stream)
- SomesStream <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Option<A>> stream)
- Somes <M, A> (this IEnumerable<OptionT<M, A>> stream)
- SomesStream <M, A> (this IEnumerable<Option<A>> stream)
- Rights <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream)
- RightsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream)
- Rights <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream)
- RightsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream)
- Lefts <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream)
- LeftsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream)
- Lefts <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream)
- LeftsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream)
- Succs <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream)
- SuccsStream <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream)
- Succs <M, A> (this IEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream)
- SuccsStream <M, A> (this IEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream)
- Fails <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream)
- FailsStream <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream)
- Fails <M, A> (this IEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream)
- FailsStream <M, A> (this IEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream)
- Succs <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream)
- SuccsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream)
- Succs <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream)
- SuccsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream)
- Fails <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream)
- FailsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream)
- Fails <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream)
- FailsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream)
- EffExtensions
- Map <M, A, B> (this Func<A, B> f, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma)
- Map <M, A, B> (this Func<A, B> f, StreamT<M, A> ma)
- Action <M, A, B> (this StreamT<M, A> ma, K<StreamT<M>, B> mb)
- Action <M, A, B> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, K<StreamT<M>, B> mb)
- Apply <M, A, B> (this StreamT<M, Func<A, B>> mf, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma)
- Apply <M, A, B> (this K<StreamT<M>, Func<A, B>> mf, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma)
- StreamT
- pure <M, A> (A value)
- liftF <F, M, A> (K<F, A> items)
- lift <M, A> (IAsyncEnumerable<A> items)
- liftM <M, A> (IAsyncEnumerable<K<M, A>> items)
- lift <M, A> (IEnumerable<A> items)
- liftM <M, A> (IEnumerable<K<M, A>> items)
- lift <M, A> (Seq<A> items)
- liftM <M, A> (Seq<K<M, A>> items)
- lift <M, A> (K<M, A> ma)
- liftIO <M, A> (IO<A> ma)
- liftIO <M, A> (K<IO, A> ma)
- merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second)
- merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest)
- zip <M, A, B> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second)
- zip <M, A, B, C> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third)
- zip <M, A, B, C, D> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth)
- StreamT <M>
- pure <A> (A value)
- lift <A> (IEnumerable<A> items)
- lift <A> (IAsyncEnumerable<A> items)
- lift <A> (Seq<A> items)
- liftIO <A> (IO<A> ma)
- Prelude
- merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second)
- merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest)
- zip <M, A, B> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second)
- zip <M, A, B, C> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third)
- zip <M, A, B, C, D> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth)
- Prelude
Sub modules
MList |
record StreamT <M, A> (Func<K<M, MList<A>>> runListT) Source #
Lazy sequence monad transformer
method StreamT<M, A> Tail () Source #
Retrieve the tail of the sequence
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #
Map the stream
type | B | Resulting bound value type |
param | f | Mapping function |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Pure (A value) Source #
Construct a singleton stream
param | value | Single value in the stream |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> LiftF <F> (K<F, A> foldable) Source #
Lift any foldable into the stream
This is likely to consume the foldable structure eagerly
param | foldable | Foldable structure to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Lift (IAsyncEnumerable<A> stream) Source #
Lift an async-enumerable into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> LiftM (IAsyncEnumerable<K<M, A>> stream) Source #
Lift an async-enumerable into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Lift (IAsyncEnumerator<A> stream) Source #
Lift an async-enumerator into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> LiftM (IAsyncEnumerator<K<M, A>> stream) Source #
Lift an async-enumerator into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Lift (IEnumerable<A> stream) Source #
Lift an enumerable into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> LiftM (IEnumerable<K<M, A>> stream) Source #
Lift an enumerable into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Lift (IEnumerator<A> stream) Source #
Lift an enumerator into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> LiftM (IEnumerator<K<M, A>> stream) Source #
Lift an enumerator into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Lift (K<M, A> ma) Source #
Lift an effect into the stream
param | ma | Effect to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> LiftIO (IO<A> ma) Source #
Lift side effect into the stream
param | ma | Side effect to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> LiftIO (K<IO, A> ma) Source #
Lift side effect into the stream
param | ma | Side effect to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method K<M, Option<(A Head, StreamT<M, A> Tail)>> Run () Source #
Iterate the stream, returning final position.
method StreamT<M, S> Fold <S> (S state, Func<S, A, Option<S>> f) Source #
Fold the stream itself, yielding the latest state value when the fold function returns None
type | S | State type |
param | state | Initial state of the fold |
param | f | Fold operation |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, S> FoldUntil <S> (S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> until) Source #
Fold the stream itself, yielding values when the until
predicate is true
type | S | State type |
param | state | Initial state of the fold |
param | f | Fold operation |
param | until | Predicate |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, S> FoldWhile <S> (S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> @while) Source #
Fold the stream itself, yielding values when the until
predicate is true
type | S | State type |
param | state | Initial state of the fold |
param | f | Fold operation |
param | until | Predicate |
returns | Stream transformer |
method K<M, S> FoldM <S> (S state, Func<S, A, K<M, S>> f) Source #
Left fold
type | S | State type |
param | state | Initial state |
param | f | Folding function |
returns | Accumulate state wrapped in the StreamT inner monad |
method StreamT<M, A> Combine (StreamT<M, A> second) Source #
Concatenate streams
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Combine (K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #
Concatenate streams
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Merge (K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #
Interleave the items of two streams
param | second | Other stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Merge (K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest) Source #
Interleave the items of many streams
param | rhs | Other stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second)> Zip <B> (K<StreamT<M>, B> second) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into pairs
param | second | Other stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third)> Zip <B, C> ( K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into 3-tuples
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
param | third | Third stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third, D Fourth)> Zip <B, C, D> ( K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into 4-tuples
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
param | third | Third stream to merge with |
param | fourth | Fourth stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #
method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #
method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, Pure<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #
method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, IO<B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #
method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, K<IO, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #
class StreamTExtensions Source #
StreamT extensions
method K<M, Option<(A Head, StreamT<M, A> Tail)>> Run <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> mma) Source #
method K<M, A> HeadOrFail <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #
Retrieve the head of the sequence
Works only with Fallible
lifted monads. Raises a SequenceEmpty
error if empty.
method K<M, A> HeadOrFail <E, M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, E error) Source #
Retrieve the head of the sequence
Works only with Fallible
lifted monads. Raises error
if the stream is empty
method K<M, A> HeadOrFail <E, M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, Func<E> error) Source #
Retrieve the head of the sequence
Works only with Fallible
lifted monads. Raises error
if the stream is empty
method K<M, A> Combine <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> mma) Source #
Execute the stream's inner monad M
, combining the results using
its MonoidK〈M〉.Combine
param | mma | Stream to combine |
returns | Result of the combined effects |
method StreamT<M, A> Flatten <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, StreamT<M, A>> mma) Source #
method StreamT<M, A> Flatten <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, K<StreamT<M>, A>> mma) Source #
method K<M, MList<A>> Flatten <M, A> (this K<M, MList<K<M, MList<A>>>> mma) Source #
method K<M, MList<A>> Append <M, A> (this K<M, MList<A>> xs, K<M, MList<A>> ys) Source #
method StreamT<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> (this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> f) Source #
method StreamT<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> (this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> f) Source #
method StreamT<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> (this IO<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> f) Source #
method StreamT<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> (this IO<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> f) Source #
method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #
method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #
method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this IO<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #
method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this IO<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #
method K<M, Unit> Iter <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #
Iterate the stream, ignoring any result.
method K<M, Option<A>> Head <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #
Retrieve the head of the sequence
method StreamT<M, A> Tail <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #
Retrieve the head of the sequence
method StreamT<M, S> Fold <M, A,S> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, Option<S>> f) Source #
Fold the stream itself, yielding the latest state value when the fold function returns None
type | S | State type |
param | state | Initial state of the fold |
param | f | Fold operation |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, S> FoldUntil <M, A, S> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> until) Source #
Fold the stream itself, yielding values when the until
predicate is true
type | S | State type |
param | state | Initial state of the fold |
param | f | Fold operation |
param | until | Predicate |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, S> FoldWhile <M, A,S> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> @while) Source #
Fold the stream itself, yielding values when the until
predicate is true
type | S | State type |
param | state | Initial state of the fold |
param | f | Fold operation |
param | until | Predicate |
returns | Stream transformer |
method K<M, S> FoldM <M, A, S> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, K<M, S>> f) Source #
Left fold
type | S | State type |
param | state | Initial state |
param | f | Folding function |
returns | Accumulate state wrapped in the StreamT inner monad |
method StreamT<M, A> Combine <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, StreamT<M, A> second) Source #
Concatenate streams
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Combine <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #
Concatenate streams
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Merge <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #
Interleave the items of many streams
param | first | First stream to merge with |
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
param | rest | N streams to merge |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Merge <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest) Source #
Interleave the items of two streams
param | first | First stream to merge with |
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second)> Zip <M, A, B> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into pairs
param | first | First stream to merge with |
param | second | Other stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third)> Zip <M, A, B, C> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into 3-tuples
param | first | First stream to merge with |
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
param | third | Third stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third, D Fourth)> Zip <M, A, B, C, D> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into 4-tuples
param | first | First stream to merge with |
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
param | third | Third stream to merge with |
param | fourth | Fourth stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> Somes <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<OptionT<M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Some
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of optional values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> SomesStream <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Option<A>> stream) Source #
Access the Some
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of optional values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> Somes <M, A> (this IEnumerable<OptionT<M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Some
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of optional values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> SomesStream <M, A> (this IEnumerable<Option<A>> stream) Source #
Access the Some
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of optional values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> Rights <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Right
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> RightsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Right
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> Rights <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Right
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> RightsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Right
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, L> Lefts <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Left
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, L> LeftsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Left
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, L> Lefts <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Left
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, L> LeftsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Succ
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> Succs <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Succ
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> SuccsStream <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream) Source #
Access the Succ
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> Succs <M, A> (this IEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Succ
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> SuccsStream <M, A> (this IEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream) Source #
Access the Succ
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, Error> Fails <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Fail
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, Error> FailsStream <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream) Source #
Access the Fail
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, Error> Fails <M, A> (this IEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Fail
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, Error> FailsStream <M, A> (this IEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream) Source #
Access the Fail
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> Succs <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Right
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> SuccsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Right
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> Succs <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Right
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, A> SuccsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Right
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, L> Fails <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Left
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, L> FailsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Left
values from the asynchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, L> Fails <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Left
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
method StreamT<M, L> FailsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream) Source #
Access the Succ
values from the synchronous stream
type | M | Transformer monad |
type | A | Bound value type |
param | stream | Stream of values |
returns | Stream of values |
class EffExtensions Source #
method StreamT<M, B> Map <M, A, B> (this Func<A, B> f, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #
Functor map operation
Unwraps the value within the functor, passes it to the map function f
provided, and
then takes the mapped value and wraps it back up into a new functor.
param | ma | Functor to map |
param | f | Mapping function |
returns | Mapped functor |
method StreamT<M, B> Map <M, A, B> (this Func<A, B> f, StreamT<M, A> ma) Source #
Functor map operation
Unwraps the value within the functor, passes it to the map function f
provided, and
then takes the mapped value and wraps it back up into a new functor.
param | ma | Functor to map |
param | f | Mapping function |
returns | Mapped functor |
method StreamT<M, B> Action <M, A, B> (this StreamT<M, A> ma, K<StreamT<M>, B> mb) Source #
Applicative action: runs the first applicative, ignores the result, and returns the second applicative
method StreamT<M, B> Action <M, A, B> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, K<StreamT<M>, B> mb) Source #
Applicative action: runs the first applicative, ignores the result, and returns the second applicative
method StreamT<M, B> Apply <M, A, B> (this StreamT<M, Func<A, B>> mf, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #
Applicative functor apply operation
Unwraps the value within the ma
applicative-functor, passes it to the unwrapped function(s) within mf
, and
then takes the resulting value and wraps it back up into a new applicative-functor.
param | ma | Value(s) applicative functor |
param | mf | Mapping function(s) |
returns | Mapped applicative functor |
method StreamT<M, B> Apply <M, A, B> (this K<StreamT<M>, Func<A, B>> mf, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #
Applicative functor apply operation
Unwraps the value within the ma
applicative-functor, passes it to the unwrapped function(s) within mf
, and
then takes the resulting value and wraps it back up into a new applicative-functor.
param | ma | Value(s) applicative functor |
param | mf | Mapping function(s) |
returns | Mapped applicative functor |
StreamT module
method StreamT<M, A> pure <M, A> (A value) Source #
Construct a singleton stream
param | value | Single value in the stream |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> liftF <F, M, A> (K<F, A> items) Source #
Lift any foldable into the stream
This is likely to consume the foldable structure eagerly
param | foldable | Foldable structure to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> lift <M, A> (IAsyncEnumerable<A> items) Source #
Lift an async-enumerable into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> liftM <M, A> (IAsyncEnumerable<K<M, A>> items) Source #
Lift an async-enumerable into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> lift <M, A> (IEnumerable<A> items) Source #
Lift an enumerable into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> liftM <M, A> (IEnumerable<K<M, A>> items) Source #
Lift an enumerable into the stream
param | stream | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> lift <M, A> (Seq<A> items) Source #
Lift a (possibly lazy) sequence into the stream
param | list | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> liftM <M, A> (Seq<K<M, A>> items) Source #
Lift a (possibly lazy) sequence into the stream
param | list | Sequence to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> lift <M, A> (K<M, A> ma) Source #
Lift an effect into the stream
param | ma | Effect to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> liftIO <M, A> (IO<A> ma) Source #
Lift side effect into the stream
param | ma | Side effect to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> liftIO <M, A> (K<IO, A> ma) Source #
Lift side effect into the stream
param | ma | Side effect to lift |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #
Interleave the items of two streams
param | second | Other stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest) Source #
Interleave the items of many streams
param | rhs | Other stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second)> zip <M, A, B> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into pairs
param | second | Other stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third)> zip <M, A, B, C> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into 3-tuples
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
param | third | Third stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third, D Fourth)> zip <M, A, B, C, D> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into 4-tuples
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
param | third | Third stream to merge with |
param | fourth | Fourth stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
StreamT trait implementations
StreamT module
method StreamT<M, A> merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #
Interleave the items of two streams
param | first | First stream to merge with |
param | second | Other stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, A> merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest) Source #
Interleave the items of many streams
param | first | First stream to merge with |
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
param | rest | N streams to merge |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second)> zip <M, A, B> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into pairs
param | first | First stream to merge with |
param | second | Other stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third)> zip <M, A, B, C> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into 3-tuples
param | first | First stream to merge with |
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
param | third | Third stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third, D Fourth)> zip <M, A, B, C, D> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth) Source #
Merge the items of two streams into 4-tuples
param | first | First stream to merge with |
param | second | Second stream to merge with |
param | third | Third stream to merge with |
param | fourth | Fourth stream to merge with |
returns | Stream transformer |
method StreamT<M, B> map <M, A, B> (Func<A, B> f, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #
Functor map operation
Unwraps the value within the functor, passes it to the map function f
provided, and
then takes the mapped value and wraps it back up into a new functor.
param | ma | Functor to map |
param | f | Mapping function |
returns | Mapped functor |
method StreamT<M, B> action <M, A, B> (K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, K<StreamT<M>, B> mb) Source #
Applicative action: runs the first applicative, ignores the result, and returns the second applicative
method StreamT<M, B> apply <M, A, B> (K<StreamT<M>, Func<A, B>> mf, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #
Applicative functor apply operation
Unwraps the value within the ma
applicative-functor, passes it to the unwrapped function(s) within mf
, and
then takes the resulting value and wraps it back up into a new applicative-functor.
param | ma | Value(s) applicative functor |
param | mf | Mapping function(s) |
returns | Mapped applicative functor |