
LanguageExt.Core Class Instances Monoid


struct All Source #

Booleans form a monoid under disjunctions.



method bool Append (bool x, bool y) Source #

method bool Empty () Source #

method bool And (bool a, bool b) Source #

method bool BiCondition (bool a, bool b) Source #

method bool False () Source #

method bool Implies (bool a, bool b) Source #

method bool Not (bool a) Source #

method bool Or (bool a, bool b) Source #

method bool True () Source #

method bool XOr (bool a, bool b) Source #

struct Any Source #

Booleans form a monoid under conjunction.



method bool Append (bool x, bool y) Source #

method bool Empty () Source #

method bool And (bool a, bool b) Source #

method bool BiCondition (bool a, bool b) Source #

method bool False () Source #

method bool Implies (bool a, bool b) Source #

method bool Not (bool a) Source #

method bool Or (bool a, bool b) Source #

method bool True () Source #

method bool XOr (bool a, bool b) Source #

struct MCompositions <MonoidA, A> Source #

where MonoidA : struct, Monoid<A>


method Compositions<A> Append (Compositions<A> compx, Compositions<A> compy) Source #

method Compositions<A> Empty () Source #

struct MError Source #

Error monoid


method Error Append (Error x, Error y) Source #

method Error Empty () Source #

struct MHashMap <K, V> Source #



method HashMap<K, V> Append (HashMap<K, V> x, HashMap<K, V> y) Source #

method Func<Unit, int> Count (HashMap<K, V> fa) Source #

method HashMap<K, V> Subtract (HashMap<K, V> x, HashMap<K, V> y) Source #

method HashMap<K, V> Empty () Source #

method bool Equals (HashMap<K, V> x, HashMap<K, V> y) Source #

method Func<Unit, S> Fold <S> (HashMap<K, V> fa, S state, Func<S, V, S> f) Source #

method Func<Unit, S> FoldBack <S> (HashMap<K, V> fa, S state, Func<S, V, S> f) Source #

method int GetHashCode (HashMap<K, V> x) Source #

method Task<bool> EqualsAsync (HashMap<K, V> x, HashMap<K, V> y) Source #

method Task<int> GetHashCodeAsync (HashMap<K, V> x) Source #

struct MMap <K, V> Source #



method Map<K, V> Append (Map<K, V> x, Map<K, V> y) Source #

method Func<Unit, int> Count (Map<K, V> fa) Source #

method Map<K, V> Subtract (Map<K, V> x, Map<K, V> y) Source #

method Map<K, V> Empty () Source #

method bool Equals (Map<K, V> x, Map<K, V> y) Source #

method Func<Unit, S> Fold <S> (Map<K, V> fa, S state, Func<S, V, S> f) Source #

method Func<Unit, S> FoldBack <S> (Map<K, V> fa, S state, Func<S, V, S> f) Source #

method int GetHashCode (Map<K, V> x) Source #

method Task<bool> EqualsAsync (Map<K, V> x, Map<K, V> y) Source #

method Task<int> GetHashCodeAsync (Map<K, V> x) Source #

struct MOption <MonoidA, A> Source #

where MonoidA : struct, Monoid<A>



property Option<A> None Source #


method MB Bind <MonadB, MB, B> (Option<A> ma, Func<A, MB> f) Source #

where MonadB : struct, Monad<Unit, Unit, MB, B>

method MB BindAsync <MonadB, MB, B> (Option<A> ma, Func<A, MB> f) Source #

where MonadB : struct, MonadAsync<Unit, Unit, MB, B>

method Option<A> Fail (object err = null) Source #

method Option<A> Plus (Option<A> a, Option<A> b) Source #

method Option<A> Return (Func<Unit, A> f) Source #

method Option<A> Zero () Source #

method bool IsNone (Option<A> opt) Source #

method bool IsSome (Option<A> opt) Source #

method B Match <B> (Option<A> opt, Func<A, B> Some, Func<B> None) Source #

method B Match <B> (Option<A> opt, Func<A, B> Some, B None) Source #

method Unit Match (Option<A> opt, Action<A> Some, Action None) Source #

method B MatchUnsafe <B> (Option<A> opt, Func<A, B> Some, Func<B> None) Source #

method B MatchUnsafe <B> (Option<A> opt, Func<A, B> Some, B None) Source #

method Func<Unit, S> Fold <S> (Option<A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, S> f) Source #

method Func<Unit, S> FoldBack <S> (Option<A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, S> f) Source #

method S BiFold <S> (Option<A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, S> fa, Func<S, Unit, S> fb) Source #

method S BiFoldBack <S> (Option<A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, S> fa, Func<S, Unit, S> fb) Source #

method Func<Unit, int> Count (Option<A> ma) Source #

method Option<A> Some (A x) Source #

method Option<A> Optional (A x) Source #

method Option<A> Run (Func<Unit, Option<A>> ma) Source #

method Option<A> BindReturn (Unit _, Option<A> mb) Source #

method Option<A> Return (A x) Source #

method Option<A> Empty () Source #

method Option<A> Append (Option<A> x, Option<A> y) Source #

method bool Equals (Option<A> x, Option<A> y) Source #

method int GetHashCode (Option<A> x) Source #

method Option<A> Apply (Func<A, A, A> f, Option<A> fa, Option<A> fb) Source #

method int Compare (Option<A> x, Option<A> y) Source #

method OptionAsync<A> ToAsync (Option<A> sa) Source #

method Task<bool> EqualsAsync (Option<A> x, Option<A> y) Source #

method Task<int> GetHashCodeAsync (Option<A> x) Source #

method Task<int> CompareAsync (Option<A> x, Option<A> y) Source #

struct MPatch <EqA, A> Source #

where EqA : struct, Eq<A>

Monoid instance for Patch


method Patch<EqA, A> Append (Patch<EqA, A> px, Patch<EqA, A> py) Source #

Monoid append: produces a patch is a merged version of both provided patches.

method Patch<EqA, A> Empty () Source #

Monoid empty value: A patch with no edits

method bool Equals (Patch<EqA, A> x, Patch<EqA, A> y) Source #

method int GetHashCode (Patch<EqA, A> x) Source #

method Task<bool> EqualsAsync (Patch<EqA, A> x, Patch<EqA, A> y) Source #

method Task<int> GetHashCodeAsync (Patch<EqA, A> x) Source #

struct MUnit Source #


method Unit Append (Unit x, Unit y) Source #

method Unit Empty () Source #

struct Product <NUM, A> Source #

where NUM : struct, Num<A>

Numbers form a monoid under addition.


type A

The type of the number being added.



method A Append (A x, A y) Source #

method A Empty () Source #

struct Sum <NUM, A> Source #

where NUM : struct, Num<A>

Numbers form a monoid under addition.


type A

The type of the number being added.



method A Append (A x, A y) Source #

method A Empty () Source #