
LanguageExt.Core Monads Alternative Value Monads Validation


struct Validation <MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Like Either but collects the failed values


type MonoidFail
type FAIL


property bool IsFail Source #

property bool IsSuccess Source #

property object Case Source #

Reference version for use in pattern-matching

Validation Succ   = result is SUCCESS
Validation Fail   = result is FAIL
Validation Bottom = result is mempty FAIL


constructor Validation (IEnumerable<ValidationData<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS>> validationData) Source #

Ctor that facilitates serialisation


method void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) Source #

method IEnumerator<ValidationData<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS>> GetEnumerator () Source #

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> Success (SUCCESS success) Source #

Success constructor

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> Fail (FAIL fail) Source #

Fail constructor

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> Disjunction <SUCCESSB> (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESSB> other) Source #

method ValidationContext<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS, Ret> Succ <Ret> (Func<SUCCESS, Ret> f) Source #

Fluent matching

method ValidationUnitContext<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> Succ <Ret> (Action<SUCCESS> f) Source #

Fluent matching

method Ret Match <Ret> (Func<SUCCESS, Ret> Succ, Func<FAIL, Ret> Fail) Source #

Invokes the Succ or Fail function depending on the state of the Validation


type Ret

Return type

param Succ

Function to invoke if in a Success state

param Fail

Function to invoke if in a Fail state


The return value of the invoked function

method Ret Match <Ret> (Ret Succ, Func<FAIL, Ret> Fail) Source #

Returns Succ value or invokes Fail function depending on the state of the Validation


type Ret

Return type

param Succ

Value to return if in a Success state

param Fail

Function to invoke if in a Fail state


The return value of the invoked function

method Ret MatchUnsafe <Ret> (Func<SUCCESS, Ret> Succ, Func<FAIL, Ret> Fail) Source #

Invokes the Succ or Fail function depending on the state of the Validation


type Ret

Return type

param Succ

Function to invoke if in a Success state

param Fail

Function to invoke if in a Fail state


The return value of the invoked function

method Unit Match (Action<SUCCESS> Succ, Action<FAIL> Fail) Source #

Invokes the Succ or Fail action depending on the state of the Validation


param Succ

Action to invoke if in a Success state

param Fail

Action to invoke if in a Fail state



method Task<R2> MatchAsync <R2> (Func<SUCCESS, Task<R2>> SuccAsync, Func<FAIL, R2> Fail) Source #

Match the two states of the Validation and return a promise for a non-null R2.



A promise to return a non-null R2

method Task<R2> MatchAsync <R2> (Func<SUCCESS, Task<R2>> SuccAsync, Func<FAIL, Task<R2>> FailAsync) Source #

Match the two states of the Validation and return a promise for a non-null R2.



A promise to return a non-null R2

method SUCCESS IfFail (Func<SUCCESS> Fail) Source #

Executes the Fail function if the Validation is in a Fail state. Returns the Success value if the Validation is in a Success state.


param Fail

Function to generate a Success value if in the Fail state


Returns an unwrapped Success value

method SUCCESS IfFail (Func<FAIL, SUCCESS> FailMap) Source #

Executes the FailMap function if the Validation is in a Fail state. Returns the Success value if the Validation is in a Success state.


param FailMap

Function to generate a Success value if in the Fail state


Returns an unwrapped Success value

method SUCCESS IfFail (SUCCESS SuccessValue) Source #

Returns the SuccessValue if the Validation is in a Fail state. Returns the Success value if the Validation is in a Success state.


param SuccessValue

Value to return if in the Fail state


Returns an unwrapped Success value

method Unit IfFail (Action<FAIL> Fail) Source #

Executes the Fail action if the Validation is in a Fail state.


param Fail

Function to generate a Success value if in the Fail state


Returns an unwrapped Success value

method Unit IfSuccess (Action<SUCCESS> Success) Source #

Invokes the Success action if the Validation is in a Success state, otherwise does nothing


param Success

Action to invoke



method FAIL IfSuccess (FAIL FailValue) Source #

Returns the FailValue if the Validation is in a Success state. Returns the Fail value if the Validation is in a Fail state.


param FailValue

Value to return if in the Fail state


Returns an unwrapped Fail value

method FAIL IfSuccess (Func<FAIL> Success) Source #

Returns the result of Success() if the Validation is in a Success state. Returns the Fail value if the Validation is in a Fail state.


param Success

Function to generate a Fail value if in the Success state


Returns an unwrapped Fail value

method FAIL IfSuccess (Func<SUCCESS, FAIL> SuccessMap) Source #

Returns the result of SuccessMap if the Validation is in a Success state. Returns the Fail value if the Validation is in a Fail state.


param SuccessMap

Function to generate a Fail value if in the Success state


Returns an unwrapped Fail value

method string ToString () Source #

Return a string representation of the Validation



String representation of the Validation

method int GetHashCode () Source #

Returns a hash code of the wrapped value of the Validation



Hash code

method int CompareTo (object obj) Source #

method bool Equals (object obj) Source #

Equality check


param obj

Object to test for equality


True if equal

method Lst<SUCCESS> SuccessToList () Source #

Project the Validation into a Lst

method Arr<SUCCESS> SuccessToArray () Source #

Project the Validation into an immutable array

method Lst<FAIL> FailToList () Source #

Project the Validation into a Lst

method Arr<FAIL> FailToArray () Source #

Project the Validation into an immutable array R

method Seq<SUCCESS> ToSeq () Source #

Convert Validation to sequence of 0 or 1 right values

method Seq<SUCCESS> SuccessToSeq () Source #

Convert Validation to sequence of 0 or 1 success values

method Seq<FAIL> FailToSeq () Source #

Convert Validation to sequence of 0 or 1 success values

method Seq<SUCCESS> SuccessAsEnumerable () Source #

Project the Validation success into a Seq

method Seq<FAIL> FailAsEnumerable () Source #

Project the Validation fail into a Seq

method Eff<SUCCESS> ToEff (Func<FAIL, Error> Fail) Source #

method Aff<SUCCESS> ToAff (Func<FAIL, Error> Fail) Source #

method Option<SUCCESS> ToOption () Source #

Convert the Validation to an Option

method Either<FAIL, SUCCESS> ToEither () Source #

Convert the Validation to an EitherUnsafe

method EitherUnsafe<FAIL, SUCCESS> ToEitherUnsafe () Source #

Convert the Validation to an EitherUnsafe

method TryOption<SUCCESS> ToTryOption () Source #

Convert the Validation to an TryOption

method int CompareTo (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> other) Source #

CompareTo override

method int CompareTo (SUCCESS success) Source #

CompareTo override

method int CompareTo (FAIL fail) Source #

CompareTo override

method bool Equals (SUCCESS success) Source #

Equality override

method bool Equals (FAIL fail) Source #

Equality override

method bool Equals (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> other) Source #

Equality override

method int Count () Source #

Counts the Validation


param self

Validation to count


1 if the Validation is in a Success state, 0 otherwise.

method Unit Iter (Action<SUCCESS> Success) Source #

Iterate the Validation action is invoked if in the Success state

method Unit BiIter (Action<SUCCESS> Success, Action<FAIL> Fail) Source #

Iterate the Validation action is invoked if in the Success state

method bool ForAll (Func<SUCCESS, bool> Success) Source #

Invokes a predicate on the value of the Validation if it's in the Success state


type L


type R


param self

Validation to forall

param Success



True if the Validation is in a Fail state. True if the Validation is in a Success state and the predicate returns True. False otherwise.

method bool BiForAll (Func<SUCCESS, bool> Success, Func<FAIL, bool> Fail) Source #

Invokes a predicate on the value of the Validation if it's in the Success state


type L


type R


param self

Validation to forall

param Success


param Fail



True if Validation Predicate returns true

method S Fold <S> (S state, Func<S, SUCCESS, S> Success) Source #

Validation types are like lists of 0 or 1 items, and therefore follow the same rules when folding.

In the case of lists, 'Fold', when applied to a binary operator, a starting value(typically the Fail-identity of the operator), and a list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from Fail to Success:


type S

Aggregate state type

param state

Initial state

param Success

Folder function, applied if structure is in a Success state


The aggregate state

method S BiFold <S> (S state, Func<S, SUCCESS, S> Success, Func<S, FAIL, S> Fail) Source #

Validation types are like lists of 0 or 1 items, and therefore follow the same rules when folding.

In the case of lists, 'Fold', when applied to a binary operator, a starting value(typically the Fail-identity of the operator), and a list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from Fail to Success:


type S

Aggregate state type

param state

Initial state

param Success

Folder function, applied if Validation is in a Success state

param Fail

Folder function, applied if Validation is in a Fail state


The aggregate state

method bool Exists (Func<SUCCESS, bool> pred) Source #

Invokes a predicate on the value of the Validation if it's in the Success state


type L


type R


param self

Validation to check existence of

param pred



True if the Validation is in a Success state and the predicate returns True. False otherwise.

method bool BiExists (Func<SUCCESS, bool> Success, Func<FAIL, bool> Fail) Source #

Invokes a predicate on the value of the Validation


type L


type R


param self

Validation to check existence of

param Success

Success predicate

param Fail

Fail predicate

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> Do (Action<SUCCESS> f) Source #

Impure iteration of the bound value in the structure



Returns the original unmodified structure

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Ret> Map <Ret> (Func<SUCCESS, Ret> mapper) Source #

Maps the value in the Validation if it's in a Success state


type L


type R


type Ret

Mapped Validation type

param self

Validation to map

param mapper

Map function


Mapped Validation

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Ret> BiMap <Ret> (Func<SUCCESS, Ret> Success, Func<FAIL, Ret> Fail) Source #

Bi-maps the value in the Validation if it's in a Success state


type L


type R


type RRet

Success return

param self

Validation to map

param Success

Success map function

param Fail

Fail map function


Mapped Validation

method Validation<MonoidRet, Ret, SUCCESS> MapFail <MonoidRet, Ret> (Func<FAIL, Ret> Fail) Source #

where MonoidRet : struct, Monoid<Ret>, Eq<Ret>

Maps the value in the Validation if it's in a Fail state


type MonoidRet

Monad of Fail

type Ret

Fail return

param Fail

Fail map function


Mapped Validation

method Validation<MonoidFail2, FAIL2, SUCCESS2> BiMap <MonoidFail2, FAIL2, SUCCESS2> (Func<SUCCESS, SUCCESS2> Success, Func<FAIL, FAIL2> Fail) Source #

where MonoidFail2 : struct, Monoid<FAIL2>, Eq<FAIL2>

Bi-maps the value in the Validation


type MonoidFail2

Monad of Fail

type FAIL2

Fail return


Success return

param Success

Success map function

param Fail

Fail map function


Mapped Validation

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, U> Select <U> (Func<SUCCESS, U> map) Source #

Maps the value in the Validation if it's in a Success state


type L


type TR


type UR

Mapped Validation type

param self

Validation to map

param map

Map function


Mapped Validation

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, U> Bind <U> (Func<SUCCESS, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, U>> f) Source #

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B> BiBind <B> (Func<SUCCESS, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>> Succ, Func<FAIL, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>> Fail) Source #

Bi-bind. Allows mapping of both monad states

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, V> SelectMany <U, V> (Func<SUCCESS, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, U>> bind, Func<SUCCESS, U, V> project) Source #


operator < (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Comparison operator


param lhs

The left hand side of the operation

param rhs

The right hand side of the operation


True if lhs < rhs

operator <= (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Comparison operator


param lhs

The left hand side of the operation

param rhs

The right hand side of the operation


True if lhs <= rhs

operator > (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Comparison operator


param lhs

The left hand side of the operation

param rhs

The right hand side of the operation


True if lhs > rhs

operator >= (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Comparison operator


param lhs

The left hand side of the operation

param rhs

The right hand side of the operation


True if lhs >= rhs

operator == (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Equality operator override

operator != (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Non-equality operator override

operator | (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Coalescing operator

operator true (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> value) Source #

Override of the True operator to return True if the Validation is Success

operator false (Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> value) Source #

Override of the False operator to return True if the Validation is Fail

struct ValidationContext <MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS, Ret> Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Context for the fluent Either matching


method Ret Fail (Func<FAIL, Ret> fail) Source #

Fail match


param Fail

Result of the match

struct ValidationUnitContext <MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Context for the fluent Validation matching


method Unit Left (Action<FAIL> fail) Source #

class ValidationExtensions Source #


method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B> ( this Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Func<A, B>> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the value or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Func<A, B, C>> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B> mb) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Func<B, C>> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Func<A, B, C>> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B> ( this Func<A, B> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the value or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Func<A, B, C> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B> mb) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Func<B, C>> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Func<A, B, C> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B> ( this Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Func<A, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>>> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the value or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Func<A, B, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>>> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B> mb) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Func<B, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>>> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Func<A, B, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>>> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B> ( this Func<A, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the value or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Func<A, B, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B> mb) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Func<B, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL,C>>> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Func<A, B, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>> mf, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> Flatten <MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> ( this Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS>> self) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

Flatten the nested Validation type

method IEnumerable<S> Successes <MonoidF, F, S> (this IEnumerable<Validation<MonoidF, F, S>> vs) Source #

where MonoidF : struct, Monoid<F>, Eq<F>

Extract only the successes


type F

Fail type

type S

Success type

param vs

Enumerable of validations


Enumerable of successes

method IEnumerable<F> Fails <MonoidF, F, S> (this IEnumerable<Validation<MonoidF, F, S>> vs) Source #

where MonoidF : struct, Monoid<F>, Eq<F>

Extract only the failures


type F

Fail type

type S

Success type

param vs

Enumerable of validations


Enumerable of failures

method Seq<S> Successes <MonoidF, F, S> (this Seq<Validation<MonoidF, F, S>> vs) Source #

where MonoidF : struct, Monoid<F>, Eq<F>

Extract only the successes


type F

Fail type

type S

Success type

param vs

Seq of validations


Enumerable of successes

method Seq<F> Fails <MonoidF, F, S> (this Seq<Validation<MonoidF, F, S>> vs) Source #

where MonoidF : struct, Monoid<F>, Eq<F>

Extract only the failures


type F

Fail type

type S

Success type

param vs

Seq of validations


Enumerable of failures

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, R> (this ValueTuple<Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>> items, Func<A, R> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>> items, Func<A, B, R> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C> > items, Func<A, B, C, R> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C, D, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, D> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, R> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, D>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, E> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, R> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, D>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, E>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, F> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, R> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> Apply <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, D>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, E>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, F>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, G> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, R> (this ValueTuple<Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>> items, Func<A, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R>> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>> items, Func<A, B, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R>> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C> > items, Func<A, B, C, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R>> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C, D, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, D> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R>> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, D>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, E> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R>> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, D>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, E>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, F> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R>> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R> ApplyM <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, D>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, E>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, F>, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, G> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, R>> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

class ValidationGuardExtensions Source #


method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Unit> ToValidation <MonoidFail, FAIL> (this Guard<FAIL> ma) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B> SelectMany <MonoidFail, FAIL, B> ( this Guard<FAIL> ma, Func<Unit, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C> SelectMany <MonoidFail, FAIL, B, C> ( this Guard<FAIL> ma, Func<Unit, Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, B>> bind, Func<Unit, B, C> project) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, Unit> SelectMany <MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ( this Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma, Func<A, Guard<FAIL>> f) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

method Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, C> SelectMany <MonoidFail, FAIL, A, C> ( this Validation<MonoidFail, FAIL, A> ma, Func<A, Guard<FAIL>> bind, Func<A, Unit, C> project) Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>

class Prelude Source #


method Validation<ERROR, A> Success <ERROR, A> (A value) Source #

Represents a successful operation


type ERROR

Error type

type A

Value type

param value



Validation applicative

method Validation<ERROR, A> Fail <ERROR, A> (ERROR value) Source #

Represents a failed operation


type ERROR

Error type

type A

Value type

param value

Error value


Validation applicative

method Validation<ERROR, A> Fail <ERROR, A> (Seq<ERROR> values) Source #

Represents a failed operation


type ERROR

Error type

type A

Value type

param value

Error value


Validation applicative

class ValidationData <MonoidFail, FAIL, SUCCESS> Source #

where MonoidFail : struct, Monoid<FAIL>, Eq<FAIL>


field Validation.StateType State Source #

field SUCCESS Success Source #

field FAIL Fail Source #


constructor ValidationData (Validation.StateType state, SUCCESS success, FAIL fail) Source #

class ValidationData <FAIL, SUCCESS> Source #


field Validation.StateType State Source #

field SUCCESS Success Source #

field Lst<FAIL> Fail Source #


constructor ValidationData (Validation.StateType state, SUCCESS success, Lst<FAIL> fail) Source #

struct Validation <FAIL, SUCCESS> Source #

Like Either but collects the failed values


type FAIL


property object Case Source #

Reference version for use in pattern-matching

Validation Succ   = result is SUCCESS
Validation Fail   = result is Seq<FAIL>
Validation Bottom = result is Seq<FAIL>.Empty

property bool IsFail Source #

property bool IsSuccess Source #


constructor Validation (IEnumerable<ValidationData<FAIL, SUCCESS>> validationData) Source #

Ctor that facilitates serialisation


method void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) Source #

method IEnumerator<ValidationData<FAIL, SUCCESS>> GetEnumerator () Source #

method Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> Disjunction <SUCCESSB> (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESSB> other) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> Success (SUCCESS success) Source #

Success constructor

method Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> Fail (Seq<FAIL> fail) Source #

Fail constructor

method ValidationContext<FAIL, SUCCESS, Ret> Succ <Ret> (Func<SUCCESS, Ret> f) Source #

Fluent matching

method ValidationUnitContext<FAIL, SUCCESS> Succ <Ret> (Action<SUCCESS> f) Source #

Fluent matching

method Ret Match <Ret> (Func<SUCCESS, Ret> Succ, Func<Seq<FAIL>, Ret> Fail) Source #

Invokes the Succ or Fail function depending on the state of the Validation


type Ret

Return type

param Succ

Function to invoke if in a Success state

param Fail

Function to invoke if in a Fail state


The return value of the invoked function

method Ret MatchUnsafe <Ret> (Func<SUCCESS, Ret> Succ, Func<Seq<FAIL>, Ret> Fail) Source #

Invokes the Succ or Fail function depending on the state of the Validation


type Ret

Return type

param Succ

Function to invoke if in a Success state

param Fail

Function to invoke if in a Fail state


The return value of the invoked function

method Unit Match (Action<SUCCESS> Succ, Action<Seq<FAIL>> Fail) Source #

Invokes the Succ or Fail action depending on the state of the Validation


param Succ

Action to invoke if in a Success state

param Fail

Action to invoke if in a Fail state



method Task<R2> MatchAsync <R2> (Func<SUCCESS, Task<R2>> SuccAsync, Func<Seq<FAIL>, R2> Fail) Source #

Match the two states of the Validation and return a promise for a non-null R2.



A promise to return a non-null R2

method Task<R2> MatchAsync <R2> (Func<SUCCESS, Task<R2>> SuccAsync, Func<Seq<FAIL>, Task<R2>> FailAsync) Source #

Match the two states of the Validation and return a promise for a non-null R2.



A promise to return a non-null R2

method SUCCESS IfFail (Func<SUCCESS> Fail) Source #

Executes the Fail function if the Validation is in a Fail state. Returns the Success value if the Validation is in a Success state.


param Fail

Function to generate a Success value if in the Fail state


Returns an unwrapped Success value

method SUCCESS IfFail (Func<Seq<FAIL>, SUCCESS> FailMap) Source #

Executes the FailMap function if the Validation is in a Fail state. Returns the Success value if the Validation is in a Success state.


param FailMap

Function to generate a Success value if in the Fail state


Returns an unwrapped Success value

method SUCCESS IfFail (SUCCESS SuccessValue) Source #

Returns the SuccessValue if the Validation is in a Fail state. Returns the Success value if the Validation is in a Success state.


param SuccessValue

Value to return if in the Fail state


Returns an unwrapped Success value

method Unit IfFail (Action<Seq<FAIL>> Fail) Source #

Executes the Fail action if the Validation is in a Fail state.


param Fail

Function to generate a Success value if in the Fail state


Returns an unwrapped Success value

method Unit IfSuccess (Action<SUCCESS> Success) Source #

Invokes the Success action if the Validation is in a Success state, otherwise does nothing


param Success

Action to invoke



method Seq<FAIL> IfSuccess (Seq<FAIL> FailValue) Source #

Returns the FailValue if the Validation is in a Success state. Returns the Fail value if the Validation is in a Fail state.


param FailValue

Value to return if in the Fail state


Returns an unwrapped Fail value

method Seq<FAIL> IfSuccess (Func<Seq<FAIL>> Success) Source #

Returns the result of Success() if the Validation is in a Success state. Returns the Fail value if the Validation is in a Fail state.


param Success

Function to generate a Fail value if in the Success state


Returns an unwrapped Fail value

method Seq<FAIL> IfSuccess (Func<SUCCESS, Seq<FAIL>> SuccessMap) Source #

Returns the result of SuccessMap if the Validation is in a Success state. Returns the Fail value if the Validation is in a Fail state.


param SuccessMap

Function to generate a Fail value if in the Success state


Returns an unwrapped Fail value

method string ToString () Source #

Return a string representation of the Validation



String representation of the Validation

method int GetHashCode () Source #

Returns a hash code of the wrapped value of the Validation



Hash code

method int CompareTo (object obj) Source #

method bool Equals (object obj) Source #

Equality check


param obj

Object to test for equality


True if equal

method Lst<SUCCESS> SuccessToList () Source #

Project the Validation into a Lst

method Arr<SUCCESS> SuccessToArray () Source #

Project the Validation into an immutable array

method Lst<FAIL> FailToList () Source #

Project the Validation into a Lst

method Arr<FAIL> FailToArray () Source #

Project the Validation into an immutable array R

method Seq<SUCCESS> ToSeq () Source #

Convert Validation to sequence of 0 or 1 right values

method Seq<SUCCESS> SuccessToSeq () Source #

Convert Validation to sequence of 0 or 1 success values

method Seq<FAIL> FailToSeq () Source #

Convert Validation to sequence of 0 or 1 success values

method Seq<SUCCESS> SuccessAsEnumerable () Source #

Project the Validation success into a Seq

method Seq<FAIL> FailAsEnumerable () Source #

Project the Validation fail into a Seq

method Eff<SUCCESS> ToEff (Func<Seq<FAIL>, Error> Fail) Source #

method Aff<SUCCESS> ToAff (Func<Seq<FAIL>, Error> Fail) Source #

method Option<SUCCESS> ToOption () Source #

Convert the Validation to an Option

method Either<Seq<FAIL>, SUCCESS> ToEither () Source #

Convert the Validation to an Either

method EitherUnsafe<Seq<FAIL>, SUCCESS> ToEitherUnsafe () Source #

Convert the Validation to an EitherUnsafe

method TryOption<SUCCESS> ToTryOption () Source #

Convert the Validation to an TryOption

method int CompareTo (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> other) Source #

CompareTo override

method int CompareTo (SUCCESS success) Source #

CompareTo override

method int CompareTo (Seq<FAIL> fail) Source #

CompareTo override

method bool Equals (SUCCESS success) Source #

Equality override

method bool Equals (Seq<FAIL> fail) Source #

Equality override

method bool Equals (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> other) Source #

Equality override

method int Count () Source #

Counts the Validation


param self

Validation to count


1 if the Validation is in a Success state, 0 otherwise.

method Unit Iter (Action<SUCCESS> Success) Source #

Iterate the Validation action is invoked if in the Success state

method Unit BiIter (Action<SUCCESS> Success, Action<FAIL> Fail) Source #

Iterate the Validation action is invoked if in the Success state

method bool ForAll (Func<SUCCESS, bool> Success) Source #

Invokes a predicate on the value of the Validation if it's in the Success state


type L


type R


param self

Validation to forall

param Success



True if the Validation is in a Fail state. True if the Validation is in a Success state and the predicate returns True. False otherwise.

method bool BiForAll (Func<SUCCESS, bool> Success, Func<FAIL, bool> Fail) Source #

Invokes either predicate on the value(s) of the Validation


type L


type R


param self

Validation to forall

param Success


param Fail



True if Validation Predicate returns true

method S Fold <S> (S state, Func<S, SUCCESS, S> Success) Source #

Validation types are like lists of 0 or 1 items, and therefore follow the same rules when folding.

In the case of lists, 'Fold', when applied to a binary operator, a starting value(typically the Fail-identity of the operator), and a list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from Fail to Success:


type S

Aggregate state type

param state

Initial state

param Success

Folder function, applied if structure is in a Success state


The aggregate state

method S BiFold <S> (S state, Func<S, SUCCESS, S> Success, Func<S, FAIL, S> Fail) Source #

Validation types are like lists of 0 or 1 items, and therefore follow the same rules when folding.

In the case of lists, 'Fold', when applied to a binary operator, a starting value(typically the Fail-identity of the operator), and a list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from Fail to Success:


type S

Aggregate state type

param state

Initial state

param Success

Folder function, applied if Validation is in a Success state

param Fail

Folder function, applied if Validation is in a Fail state


The aggregate state

method bool Exists (Func<SUCCESS, bool> pred) Source #

Invokes a predicate on the value of the Validation if it's in the Success state


type L


type R


param self

Validation to check existence of

param pred



True if the Validation is in a Success state and the predicate returns True. False otherwise.

method bool BiExists (Func<SUCCESS, bool> Success, Func<FAIL, bool> Fail) Source #

Invokes a predicate on the value of the Validation


type L


type R


param self

Validation to check existence of

param Success

Success predicate

param Fail

Fail predicate


True if the predicate returns True. False otherwise.

method Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> Do (Action<SUCCESS> f) Source #

Impure iteration of the bound value in the structure



Returns the original unmodified structure

method Validation<FAIL, Ret> Map <Ret> (Func<SUCCESS, Ret> mapper) Source #

Maps the value in the Validation if it's in a Success state


type L


type R


type Ret

Mapped Validation type

param self

Validation to map

param mapper

Map function


Mapped Validation

method Validation<FAIL, Ret> BiMap <Ret> (Func<SUCCESS, Ret> Success, Func<Seq<FAIL>, Ret> Fail) Source #

Bi-maps the value in the Validation if it's in a Success state


type L


type R


type RRet

Success return

param self

Validation to map

param Success

Success map function

param Fail

Fail map function


Mapped Validation

method Validation<Ret, SUCCESS> MapFail <Ret> (Func<FAIL, Ret> Fail) Source #

Maps the value in the Validation if it's in a Fail state


type Ret

Fail return

param Fail

Fail map function


Mapped Validation

method Validation<FAIL2, SUCCESS2> BiMap <FAIL2, SUCCESS2> (Func<SUCCESS, SUCCESS2> Success, Func<FAIL, FAIL2> Fail) Source #

Bi-maps the value in the Validation


type FAIL2

Fail return


Success return

param Success

Success map function

param Fail

Fail map function


Mapped Validation

method Validation<FAIL, U> Select <U> (Func<SUCCESS, U> map) Source #

Maps the value in the Validation if it's in a Success state


type L


type TR


type UR

Mapped Validation type

param self

Validation to map

param map

Map function


Mapped Validation

method Validation<FAIL, U> Bind <U> (Func<SUCCESS, Validation<FAIL, U>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, V> SelectMany <U, V> (Func<SUCCESS, Validation<FAIL, U>> bind, Func<SUCCESS, U, V> project) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> Filter (Func<SUCCESS, bool> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> Where (Func<SUCCESS, bool> f) Source #


operator < (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Comparison operator


param lhs

The left hand side of the operation

param rhs

The right hand side of the operation


True if lhs < rhs

operator <= (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Comparison operator


param lhs

The left hand side of the operation

param rhs

The right hand side of the operation


True if lhs <= rhs

operator > (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Comparison operator


param lhs

The left hand side of the operation

param rhs

The right hand side of the operation


True if lhs > rhs

operator >= (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Comparison operator


param lhs

The left hand side of the operation

param rhs

The right hand side of the operation


True if lhs >= rhs

operator == (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Equality operator override

operator != (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Non-equality operator override

operator | (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> lhs, Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> rhs) Source #

Coalescing operator

operator true (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> value) Source #

Override of the True operator to return True if the Validation is Success

operator false (Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> value) Source #

Override of the False operator to return True if the Validation is Fail

struct ValidationContext <FAIL, SUCCESS, Ret> Source #

Context for the fluent Either matching


method Ret Fail (Func<Seq<FAIL>, Ret> fail) Source #

Fail match


param Fail

Result of the match

struct ValidationUnitContext <FAIL, SUCCESS> Source #

Context for the fluent Validation matching


method Unit Left (Action<Seq<FAIL>> fail) Source #

class ValidationSeqExtensions Source #


method Validation<FAIL, B> Apply <FAIL, A, B> ( this Validation<FAIL, Func<A, B>> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the value or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, C> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Validation<FAIL, Func<A, B, C>> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma, Validation<FAIL, B> mb) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, Func<B, C>> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Validation<FAIL, Func<A, B, C>> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, B> Apply <FAIL, A, B> ( this Func<A, B> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the value or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, C> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Func<A, B, C> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma, Validation<FAIL, B> mb) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, Func<B, C>> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Func<A, B, C> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, B> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B> ( this Validation<FAIL, Func<A, Validation<FAIL, B>>> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the value or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, C> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Validation<FAIL, Func<A, B, Validation<FAIL, C>>> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma, Validation<FAIL, B> mb) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, Func<B, Validation<FAIL, C>>> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Validation<FAIL, Func<A, B, Validation<FAIL, C>>> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, B> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B> ( this Func<A, Validation<FAIL, B>> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the value or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, C> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Func<A, B, Validation<FAIL, C>> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma, Validation<FAIL, B> mb) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, Func<B, Validation<FAIL, C>>> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C> ( this Func<A, B, Validation<FAIL, C>> mf, Validation<FAIL, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply


param mf

Lifted function

param ma

Value to apply

param mb

Value to apply


Result of function applied to the values or Fail

method Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS> Flatten <FAIL, SUCCESS> (this Validation<FAIL, Validation<FAIL, SUCCESS>> self) Source #

Flatten the nested Validation type

method IEnumerable<S> Successes <F, S> (this IEnumerable<Validation<F, S>> vs) Source #

Extract only the successes


type F

Fail type

type S

Success type

param vs

Enumerable of validations


Enumerable of successes

method IEnumerable<F> Fails <F, S> (this IEnumerable<Validation<F, S>> vs) Source #

Extract only the failures


type F

Fail type

type S

Success type

param vs

Enumerable of validations


Enumerable of failures

method Seq<S> Successes <F, S> (this Seq<Validation<F, S>> vs) Source #

Extract only the successes


type F

Fail type

type S

Success type

param vs

Seq of validations


Enumerable of successes

method Seq<F> Fails <F, S> (this Seq<Validation<F, S>> vs) Source #

Extract only the failures


type F

Fail type

type S

Success type

param vs

Seq of validations


Enumerable of failures

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>> items, Func<A, B, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C> > items, Func<A, B, C, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K>, Validation<FAIL, L> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K>, Validation<FAIL, L>, Validation<FAIL, M> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K>, Validation<FAIL, L>, Validation<FAIL, M>, Validation<FAIL, N> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K>, Validation<FAIL, L>, Validation<FAIL, M>, Validation<FAIL, N>, Validation<FAIL, O> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> Apply <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K>, Validation<FAIL, L>, Validation<FAIL, M>, Validation<FAIL, N>, Validation<FAIL, O>, Validation<FAIL, P> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>> items, Func<A, B, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C> > items, Func<A, B, C, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R> ( this ValueTuple< Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G> > items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K>, Validation<FAIL, L> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K>, Validation<FAIL, L>, Validation<FAIL, M> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K>, Validation<FAIL, L>, Validation<FAIL, M>, Validation<FAIL, N> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K>, Validation<FAIL, L>, Validation<FAIL, M>, Validation<FAIL, N>, Validation<FAIL, O> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, R> ApplyM <FAIL, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R> ( this ( Validation<FAIL, A>, Validation<FAIL, B>, Validation<FAIL, C>, Validation<FAIL, D>, Validation<FAIL, E>, Validation<FAIL, F>, Validation<FAIL, G>, Validation<FAIL, H>, Validation<FAIL, I>, Validation<FAIL, J>, Validation<FAIL, K>, Validation<FAIL, L>, Validation<FAIL, M>, Validation<FAIL, N>, Validation<FAIL, O>, Validation<FAIL, P> ) items, Func<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Validation<FAIL, R>> f) Source #

class ValidationSeqGuardExtensions Source #


method Validation<FAIL, Unit> ToValidation <FAIL> (this Guard<FAIL> ma) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, B> SelectMany <FAIL, B> ( this Guard<FAIL> ma, Func<Unit, Validation<FAIL, B>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, C> SelectMany <FAIL, B, C> ( this Guard<FAIL> ma, Func<Unit, Validation<FAIL, B>> bind, Func<Unit, B, C> project) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, Unit> SelectMany <FAIL, A> ( this Validation<FAIL, A> ma, Func<A, Guard<FAIL>> f) Source #

method Validation<FAIL, C> SelectMany <FAIL, A, C> ( this Validation<FAIL, A> ma, Func<A, Guard<FAIL>> bind, Func<A, Unit, C> project) Source #

class Prelude Source #


method Validation<MonoidError, ERROR, A> Success <MonoidError, ERROR, A> (A value) Source #

where MonoidError : struct, Monoid<ERROR>, Eq<ERROR>

Represents a successful operation


type MonoidError

Monoid for collecting the errors

type ERROR

Error type

type A

Value type

param value



Validation applicative

method Validation<MonoidError, ERROR, A> Fail <MonoidError, ERROR, A> (ERROR value) Source #

where MonoidError : struct, Monoid<ERROR>, Eq<ERROR>

Represents a failed operation


type MonoidError

Monoid for collecting the errors

type ERROR

Error type

type A

Value type

param value

Error value


Validation applicative