
LanguageExt.Core Type Classes FoldableAsync


interface FoldableAsync <FA, A> Source #

interface FoldableAsync <Env, FA, A> Source #

class TypeClass Source #


method Task<S> foldAsync <FOLD, F, A, S> (F fa, S state, Func<S, A, S> f) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

In the case of lists, 'Fold', when applied to a binary operator, a starting value(typically the left-identity of the operator), and a list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from left to right.

Note that, since the head of the resulting expression is produced by an application of the operator to the first element of the list, 'Fold' can produce a terminating expression from an infinite list.


type S

Aggregate state type

param state

Initial state

param f

Folder function, applied for each item in fa


The aggregate state

method Task<S> foldAsync <FOLD, F, A, S> (F fa, S state, Func<S, A, Task<S>> f) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

In the case of lists, 'Fold', when applied to a binary operator, a starting value(typically the left-identity of the operator), and a list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from left to right.

Note that, since the head of the resulting expression is produced by an application of the operator to the first element of the list, 'Fold' can produce a terminating expression from an infinite list.


type S

Aggregate state type

param state

Initial state

param f

Folder function, applied for each item in fa


The aggregate state

method Task<S> foldBackAsync <FOLD, F, A, S> (F fa, S state, Func<S, A, S> f) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

In the case of lists, 'FoldBack', when applied to a binary operator, a starting value(typically the left-identity of the operator), and a list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from left to right.

Note that to produce the outermost application of the operator the entire input list must be traversed.


type S

Aggregate state type

param state

Initial state

param f

Folder function, applied for each item in fa


The aggregate state

method Task<S> foldBackAsync <FOLD, F, A, S> (F fa, S state, Func<S, A, Task<S>> f) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

In the case of lists, 'FoldBack', when applied to a binary operator, a starting value(typically the left-identity of the operator), and a list, reduces the list using the binary operator, from left to right.

Note that to produce the outermost application of the operator the entire input list must be traversed.


type S

Aggregate state type

param state

Initial state

param f

Folder function, applied for each item in fa


The aggregate state

method Task<Unit> iterAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa, Action<A> action) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Iterate the values in the foldable


type A

Bound value type

param self

Foldable to perform the operation on

method Task<Unit> iterAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa, Func<A, Task<Unit>> action) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Iterate the values in the foldable


type A

Bound value type

param self

Foldable to perform the operation on

method Task<Seq<A>> toSeqAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Turn any foldable into a sequence


type A

Sequence item type

param fa



Sequence of As

method Task<IEnumerable<B>> collectAsync <FOLD, F, A, B> (F self, Func<A, B> f) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Convert the foldable to a sequence (IEnumerable) performing a map operation on each item in the structure


type A

Bound value type

param self

Foldable to performt the operation on


Sequence of As that represent the value(s) in the structure

method Task<A> headAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Get the first item in a foldable structure


type A

Sequence item type

param fa



First A produced by the foldable

method Task<Option<A>> headOrNoneAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Get the first item in a foldable structure


type A

Sequence item type

param fa



First A produced by the foldable (Or None if no items produced)

method Task<Validation<FAIL, A>> headOrInvalidAsync <FOLD, F, FAIL, A> (F fa, FAIL fail) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Get the first item in a foldable structure


type A

Sequence item type

param fa


param fail

Fail case


First A produced by the foldable (Or Fail if no items produced)

method Task<Either<L, A>> headOrLeftAsync <FOLD, F, L, A> (F fa, L left) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Get the first item in a foldable structure


type A

Sequence item type

param fa


param left

Left case


First A produced by the foldable (Or Left if no items produced)

method Task<A> lastAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Get the last item in a foldable structure


type A

Sequence item type

param fa



Last A produced by the foldable

method Task<Option<A>> lastOrNoneAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Get the last item in a foldable structure


type A

Sequence item type

param fa



Last A produced by the foldable (Or None if no items produced)

method Task<bool> isEmptyAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Tests whether the foldable structure is empty


type A

Foldable item type

param fa



True if empty, False otherwise

method Task<int> countAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Find the length of a foldable structure


type A

Foldable item type

param fa



True if empty, False otherwise

method Task<bool> containsAsync <EQ, FOLD, F, A> (F fa, A item) Source #

where EQ : struct, Eq<A>
where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Does the element occur in the structure?


type EQ

Eq type-class

type A

Foldable item type

param fa


param item

Item to test


True if item in the structure

method Task<A> sumAsync <NUM, FOLD, F, A> (F fa) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>
where NUM : struct, Num<A>

The 'sum' function computes the sum of the numbers of a structure.


type A

Foldable item type


Sum of the numbers in the structure

method Task<A> productAsync <NUM, FOLD, F, A> (F fa) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>
where NUM : struct, Num<A>

The 'product' function computes the product of the numbers of a structure.


type NUM

Foldable && NUM type

type A

Foldable item type


Product of the numbers in the structure

method Task<bool> forallAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa, Func<A,bool> pred) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Runs a predicate against the bound value(s). If the predicate holds for all values then true is returned.

NOTE: An empty structure will return true.


param pred

Predicate to apply


True if the predicate holds for all values

method Task<bool> forallAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa, Func<A, Task<bool>> pred) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Runs a predicate against the bound value(s). If the predicate holds for all values then true is returned.

NOTE: An empty structure will return true.


param pred

Predicate to apply


True if the predicate holds for all values

method Task<bool> existsAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa, Func<A, bool> pred) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Runs a predicate against the bound value(s). If the predicate returns true for any item then the operation immediately returns true. False is returned if no items in the structure match the predicate.

NOTE: An empty structure will return false.


param pred

Predicate to apply


True if the predicate holds for all values

method Task<bool> existsAsync <FOLD, F, A> (F fa, Func<A, Task<bool>> pred) Source #

where FOLD : FoldableAsync<F, A>

Runs a predicate against the bound value(s). If the predicate returns true for any item then the operation immediately returns true. False is returned if no items in the structure match the predicate.

NOTE: An empty structure will return false.


param pred

Predicate to apply


True if the predicate holds for all values