- Change <A>
- HasNoChange
- HasChanged
- HasRemoved
- HasMapped
- HasMappedFrom <FROM> ()
- HasAdded
- ToOption ()
- None
- Removed (A oldValue)
- Added (A value)
- Mapped <FROM> (FROM oldValue, A value)
- Equals (object? obj)
- Equals (Change<A>? obj)
- GetHashCode ()
- Combine (Change<A> y)
- EntryAdded <A>
- Value
- Equals (Change<A>? obj)
- Equals (EntryAdded<A>? rhs)
- GetHashCode ()
- Deconstruct (out A value)
- ToString ()
- EntryMappedTo <B>
- EntryMappedFrom <A>
- EntryMapped <A, B>
- From
- To
- Equals (Change<B>? obj)
- Equals (EntryMapped<A, B>? rhs)
- GetHashCode ()
- ToString ()
- Deconstruct (out B to)
- Deconstruct (out A @from)
- Deconstruct (out A @from, out B to)
- EntryRemoved <A>
- OldValue
- Equals (Change<A>? obj)
- GetHashCode ()
- Equals (EntryRemoved<A>? rhs)
- Deconstruct (out A oldValue)
- ToString ()
- NoChange <A>
Represents changes to a value in a collection type (i.e. a key-value collection)
type | A | Value type |
property bool HasNoChange Source #
Returns true if nothing has changed
property bool HasChanged Source #
Returns true if anything has changed (add, update, or removal)
property bool HasRemoved Source #
Returns true if a value has been removed
method bool HasMappedFrom <FROM> () Source #
Returns true if a value has been mapped to another
method Option<A> ToOption () Source #
If a value has been updated this will return Some(Value), else none
method int GetHashCode () Source #
Hash code
class EntryAdded <A> Source #
Entry added to a collection
type | A | Value type |
interface EntryMappedTo <B> Source #
Existing entry updated to this value
type | B | Value mapped to type |
interface EntryMappedFrom <A> Source #
Existing entry updated from this value
type | A | Value mapped from type |
class EntryMapped <A, B> Source #
Existing entry updated
method int GetHashCode () Source #
method void Deconstruct (out B to) Source #
method void Deconstruct (out A @from) Source #
method void Deconstruct (out A @from, out B to) Source #
class EntryRemoved <A> Source #
Existing entry removed
type | A | Value type |
No change to the collection
type | A | Value type |
field Change<A> Default = new NoChange<A>() Source #
Singleton value of NoChange