
LanguageExt.Core Effects StreamT


Sub modules


record StreamT <M, A> Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Lazy sequence monad transformer


property K<M, MList<A>> runListT Source #

Get the lifted monad

property StreamT<M, A> Empty Source #

Empty stream


method StreamT<M, A> Tail () Source #

Retrieve the tail of the sequence



Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

Map the stream


type B

Resulting bound value type

param f

Mapping function


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Pure (A value) Source #

Construct a singleton stream


param value

Single value in the stream


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> LiftF <F> (K<F, A> foldable) Source #

where F : Foldable<F>

Lift any foldable into the stream

This is likely to consume the foldable structure eagerly


param foldable

Foldable structure to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Lift (IAsyncEnumerable<A> stream) Source #

Lift an async-enumerable into the stream


param stream

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> LiftM (IAsyncEnumerable<K<M, A>> stream) Source #

Lift an async-enumerable into the stream


param stream

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Lift (IEnumerable<A> stream) Source #

Lift an enumerable into the stream


param stream

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> LiftM (IEnumerable<K<M, A>> stream) Source #

Lift an enumerable into the stream


param stream

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Lift (Seq<A> stream) Source #

Lift a (possibly lazy) sequence into the stream


param stream

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> LiftM (Seq<K<M, A>> stream) Source #

Lift a (possibly lazy) sequence into the stream


param stream

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Lift (K<M, A> ma) Source #

Lift an effect into the stream


param ma

Effect to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> LiftIO (IO<A> ma) Source #

Lift side effect into the stream


param ma

Side effect to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> LiftIO (K<IO, A> ma) Source #

Lift side effect into the stream


param ma

Side effect to lift


Stream transformer

method K<M, Option<(A Head, StreamT<M, A> Tail)>> Run () Source #

Iterate the stream, returning final position.

method K<M, Unit> Iter () Source #

Iterate the stream, ignoring any result.

method K<M, Option<A>> Head () Source #

Retrieve the head of the sequence

method K<M, A> HeadUnsafe () Source #

Retrieve the head of the sequence

method StreamT<M, S> Fold <S> (S state, Func<S, A, Option<S>> f) Source #

Fold the stream itself, yielding the latest state value when the fold function returns None


type S

State type

param state

Initial state of the fold

param f

Fold operation


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, S> FoldUntil <S> (S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> until) Source #

Fold the stream itself, yielding values when the until predicate is true


type S

State type

param state

Initial state of the fold

param f

Fold operation

param until



Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, S> FoldWhile <S> (S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> @while) Source #

Fold the stream itself, yielding values when the until predicate is true


type S

State type

param state

Initial state of the fold

param f

Fold operation

param until



Stream transformer

method K<M, S> FoldM <S> (S state, Func<S, A, K<M, S>> f) Source #

Left fold


type S

State type

param state

Initial state

param f

Folding function


Accumulate state wrapped in the StreamT inner monad

method StreamT<M, A> Combine (StreamT<M, A> second) Source #

Concatenate streams



Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Combine (K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #

Concatenate streams



Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Merge (K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #

Interleave the items of two streams


param second

Other stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Merge (K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest) Source #

Interleave the items of many streams


param rhs

Other stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second)> Zip <B> (K<StreamT<M>, B> second) Source #

Merge the items of two streams into pairs


param second

Other stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third)> Zip <B, C> ( K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third) Source #

Merge the items of two streams into 3-tuples


param second

Second stream to merge with

param third

Third stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third, D Fourth)> Zip <B, C, D> ( K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth) Source #

Merge the items of two streams into 4-tuples


param second

Second stream to merge with

param third

Third stream to merge with

param fourth

Fourth stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Filter (Func<A, bool> f) Source #

method StreamT<M, A> Where (Func<A, bool> f) Source #

method StreamT<M, B> Select <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

method StreamT<M, B> Bind <B> (Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> f) Source #

method StreamT<M, B> Bind <B> (Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> f) Source #

method StreamT<M, B> Bind <B> (Func<A, Pure<B>> f) Source #

method StreamT<M, B> Bind <B> (Func<A, IO<B>> f) Source #

method StreamT<M, B> Bind <B> (Func<A, K<IO, B>> f) Source #

method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, Pure<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, IO<B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, K<IO, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #


operator + (StreamT<M, A> lhs, K<StreamT<M>, A> rhs) Source #

operator & (StreamT<M, A> lhs, K<StreamT<M>, A> rhs) Source #

operator >> (StreamT<M, A> lhs, K<StreamT<M>, A> rhs) Source #

operator >> (StreamT<M, A> lhs, K<StreamT<M>, Unit> rhs) Source #

class StreamTExtensions Source #

StreamT extensions


method StreamT<M, A> As <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method MList<A> As <M, A> (this K<MList, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method K<M, Option<(A Head, StreamT<M, A> Tail)>> Run <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> mma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method K<M, A> Combine <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> mma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>, MonoidK<M>

Execute the stream's inner monad M, combining the results using its MonoidK<M>.Combine operator.


param mma

Stream to combine


Result of the combined effects

method StreamT<M, A> Flatten <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, StreamT<M, A>> mma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method StreamT<M, A> Flatten <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, K<StreamT<M>, A>> mma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method K<M, MList<A>> Flatten <M, A> (this K<M, MList<K<M, MList<A>>>> mma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method K<M, MList<A>> Flatten <M, A> (this MList<K<M, MList<A>>> mma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method K<M, MList<A>> Append <M, A> (this K<M, MList<A>> xs, K<M, MList<A>> ys) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method StreamT<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> (this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method StreamT<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> (this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method StreamT<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> (this IO<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method StreamT<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> (this IO<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this Pure<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this IO<A> ma, Func<A, StreamT<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method StreamT<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this IO<A> ma, Func<A, K<StreamT<M>, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method K<M, Unit> Iter <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Iterate the stream, ignoring any result.

method K<M, Option<A>> Head <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Retrieve the head of the sequence

method K<M, A> HeadUnsafe <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Retrieve the head of the sequence

method StreamT<M, A> Tail <M, A> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Retrieve the head of the sequence

method StreamT<M, S> Fold <M, A,S> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, Option<S>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Fold the stream itself, yielding the latest state value when the fold function returns None


type S

State type

param state

Initial state of the fold

param f

Fold operation


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, S> FoldUntil <M, A, S> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> until) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Fold the stream itself, yielding values when the until predicate is true


type S

State type

param state

Initial state of the fold

param f

Fold operation

param until



Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, S> FoldWhile <M, A,S> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<S, A, bool> @while) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Fold the stream itself, yielding values when the until predicate is true


type S

State type

param state

Initial state of the fold

param f

Fold operation

param until



Stream transformer

method K<M, S> FoldM <M, A, S> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, S state, Func<S, A, K<M, S>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Left fold


type S

State type

param state

Initial state

param f

Folding function


Accumulate state wrapped in the StreamT inner monad

method StreamT<M, A> Combine <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, StreamT<M, A> second) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Concatenate streams



Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Combine <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Concatenate streams



Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Merge <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Interleave the items of many streams


param first

First stream to merge with

param second

Second stream to merge with

param rest

N streams to merge


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Merge <M, A> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Interleave the items of two streams


param first

First stream to merge with

param second

Second stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second)> Zip <M, A, B> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Merge the items of two streams into pairs


param first

First stream to merge with

param second

Other stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third)> Zip <M, A, B, C> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Merge the items of two streams into 3-tuples


param first

First stream to merge with

param second

Second stream to merge with

param third

Third stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third, D Fourth)> Zip <M, A, B, C, D> ( this K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Merge the items of two streams into 4-tuples


param first

First stream to merge with

param second

Second stream to merge with

param third

Third stream to merge with

param fourth

Fourth stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> Somes <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<OptionT<M, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Some values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of optional values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> SomesStream <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Option<A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Some values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of optional values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> Somes <M, A> (this IEnumerable<OptionT<M, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Some values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of optional values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> SomesStream <M, A> (this IEnumerable<Option<A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Some values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of optional values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> Rights <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Right values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> RightsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Right values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> Rights <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Right values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> RightsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Right values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, L> Lefts <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Left values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, L> LeftsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Left values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, L> Lefts <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<EitherT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Left values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, L> LeftsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Either<L, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Succ values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> Succs <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Succ values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> SuccsStream <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Succ values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> Succs <M, A> (this IEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Succ values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> SuccsStream <M, A> (this IEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Succ values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, Error> Fails <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Fail values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, Error> FailsStream <M, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Fail values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, Error> Fails <M, A> (this IEnumerable<FinT<M, A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Fail values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, Error> FailsStream <M, A> (this IEnumerable<Fin<A>> stream) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Access the Fail values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> Succs <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #

where L : Monoid<L>
where M : Monad<M>

Access the Right values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> SuccsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream) Source #

where L : Monoid<L>
where M : Monad<M>

Access the Right values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> Succs <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #

where L : Monoid<L>
where M : Monad<M>

Access the Right values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, A> SuccsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream) Source #

where L : Monoid<L>
where M : Monad<M>

Access the Right values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, L> Fails <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #

where L : Monoid<L>
where M : Monad<M>

Access the Left values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, L> FailsStream <M, L, A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream) Source #

where L : Monoid<L>
where M : Monad<M>

Access the Left values from the asynchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, L> Fails <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<ValidationT<L, M, A>> stream) Source #

where L : Monoid<L>
where M : Monad<M>

Access the Left values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

method StreamT<M, L> FailsStream <M, L, A> (this IEnumerable<Validation<L, A>> stream) Source #

where L : Monoid<L>
where M : Monad<M>

Access the Succ values from the synchronous stream


type M

Transformer monad

type A

Bound value type

param stream

Stream of values


Stream of values

class EffExtensions Source #


method StreamT<M, B> Map <M, A, B> (this Func<A, B> f, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Functor map operation

Unwraps the value within the functor, passes it to the map function f provided, and then takes the mapped value and wraps it back up into a new functor.


param ma

Functor to map

param f

Mapping function


Mapped functor

method StreamT<M, B> Map <M, A, B> (this Func<A, B> f, StreamT<M, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Functor map operation

Unwraps the value within the functor, passes it to the map function f provided, and then takes the mapped value and wraps it back up into a new functor.


param ma

Functor to map

param f

Mapping function


Mapped functor

method StreamT<M, B> Action <M, A, B> (this StreamT<M, A> ma, K<StreamT<M>, B> mb) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Applicative action: runs the first applicative, ignores the result, and returns the second applicative

method StreamT<M, B> Action <M, A, B> (this K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, K<StreamT<M>, B> mb) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Applicative action: runs the first applicative, ignores the result, and returns the second applicative

method StreamT<M, B> Apply <M, A, B> (this StreamT<M, Func<A, B>> mf, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Applicative functor apply operation

Unwraps the value within the ma applicative-functor, passes it to the unwrapped function(s) within mf, and then takes the resulting value and wraps it back up into a new applicative-functor.


param ma

Value(s) applicative functor

param mf

Mapping function(s)


Mapped applicative functor

method StreamT<M, B> Apply <M, A, B> (this K<StreamT<M>, Func<A, B>> mf, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Applicative functor apply operation

Unwraps the value within the ma applicative-functor, passes it to the unwrapped function(s) within mf, and then takes the resulting value and wraps it back up into a new applicative-functor.


param ma

Value(s) applicative functor

param mf

Mapping function(s)


Mapped applicative functor

class StreamT Source #

StreamT module


method StreamT<M, A> pure <M, A> (A value) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Construct a singleton stream


param value

Single value in the stream


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> liftF <F, M, A> (K<F, A> items) Source #

where M : Monad<M>
where F : Foldable<F>

Lift any foldable into the stream

This is likely to consume the foldable structure eagerly


param foldable

Foldable structure to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> lift <M, A> (IAsyncEnumerable<A> items) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Lift an async-enumerable into the stream


param stream

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> liftM <M, A> (IAsyncEnumerable<K<M, A>> items) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Lift an async-enumerable into the stream


param stream

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> lift <M, A> (IEnumerable<A> items) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Lift an enumerable into the stream


param stream

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> liftM <M, A> (IEnumerable<K<M, A>> items) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Lift an enumerable into the stream


param stream

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> lift <M, A> (Seq<A> items) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Lift a (possibly lazy) sequence into the stream


param list

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> liftM <M, A> (Seq<K<M, A>> items) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Lift a (possibly lazy) sequence into the stream


param list

Sequence to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> lift <M, A> (K<M, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Lift an effect into the stream


param ma

Effect to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> liftIO <M, A> (IO<A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Lift side effect into the stream


param ma

Side effect to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> liftIO <M, A> (K<IO, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Lift side effect into the stream


param ma

Side effect to lift


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Interleave the items of two streams


param second

Other stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Interleave the items of many streams


param rhs

Other stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second)> zip <M, A, B> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Merge the items of two streams into pairs


param second

Other stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third)> zip <M, A, B, C> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Merge the items of two streams into 3-tuples


param second

Second stream to merge with

param third

Third stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third, D Fourth)> zip <M, A, B, C, D> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Merge the items of two streams into 4-tuples


param second

Second stream to merge with

param third

Third stream to merge with

param fourth

Fourth stream to merge with


Stream transformer

class StreamT <M> Source #

where M : Monad<M>

StreamT trait implementations


method StreamT<M, A> pure <A> (A value) Source #

method StreamT<M, A> lift <A> (IEnumerable<A> items) Source #

method StreamT<M, A> lift <A> (IAsyncEnumerable<A> items) Source #

method StreamT<M, A> lift <A> (Seq<A> items) Source #

method StreamT<M, A> liftIO <A> (IO<A> ma) Source #

class Prelude Source #

StreamT module


method StreamT<M, A> merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Interleave the items of two streams


param first

First stream to merge with

param second

Other stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, A> merge <M, A> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, A> second, params K<StreamT<M>, A>[] rest) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Interleave the items of many streams


param first

First stream to merge with

param second

Second stream to merge with

param rest

N streams to merge


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second)> zip <M, A, B> (K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Merge the items of two streams into pairs


param first

First stream to merge with

param second

Other stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third)> zip <M, A, B, C> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Merge the items of two streams into 3-tuples


param first

First stream to merge with

param second

Second stream to merge with

param third

Third stream to merge with


Stream transformer

method StreamT<M, (A First, B Second, C Third, D Fourth)> zip <M, A, B, C, D> ( K<StreamT<M>, A> first, K<StreamT<M>, B> second, K<StreamT<M>, C> third, K<StreamT<M>, D> fourth) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Merge the items of two streams into 4-tuples


param first

First stream to merge with

param second

Second stream to merge with

param third

Third stream to merge with

param fourth

Fourth stream to merge with


Stream transformer

class Prelude Source #


method StreamT<M, B> map <M, A, B> (Func<A, B> f, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Functor map operation

Unwraps the value within the functor, passes it to the map function f provided, and then takes the mapped value and wraps it back up into a new functor.


param ma

Functor to map

param f

Mapping function


Mapped functor

method StreamT<M, B> action <M, A, B> (K<StreamT<M>, A> ma, K<StreamT<M>, B> mb) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Applicative action: runs the first applicative, ignores the result, and returns the second applicative

method StreamT<M, B> apply <M, A, B> (K<StreamT<M>, Func<A, B>> mf, K<StreamT<M>, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Applicative functor apply operation

Unwraps the value within the ma applicative-functor, passes it to the unwrapped function(s) within mf, and then takes the resulting value and wraps it back up into a new applicative-functor.


param ma

Value(s) applicative functor

param mf

Mapping function(s)


Mapped applicative functor