
LanguageExt.Core Immutable Collections Arr


struct Arr <A> Source #

Immutable array Native array O(1) read performance. Modifications require copying of the entire array to generate the newly mutated version. This is will be very expensive for large arrays.


type A

Value type


this [ A ] Source #

Index accessor


property Arr<A> Empty Source #

Empty array

property Lens<Arr<A>, A> head Source #

Head lens

property Lens<Arr<A>, Option<A>> headOrNone Source #

Head or none lens

property Lens<Arr<A>, A> last Source #

Last lens

property Lens<Arr<A>, Option<A>> lastOrNone Source #

Last or none lens

property object? Case Source #

Reference version for use in pattern-matching

Empty collection     = result is null
Singleton collection = result is A
More                 = result is (A, Seq〈A〉) -- head and tail


var res = arr.Case switch

   A value         => ...,
   (var x, var xs) => ...,
   _               => ...

property bool IsEmpty Source #

Is the stack empty

property int Count Source #

Number of items in the stack

property int Length Source #

Alias of Count

property Arr<A> AdditiveIdentity Source #


constructor Arr (IEnumerable<A> initial) Source #


constructor Arr (ReadOnlySpan<A> initial) Source #



method StreamT<M, A> AsStream <M> () Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Stream as an enumerable

method ReadOnlySpan<A> AsSpan () Source #

method ReadOnlySpan<A> AsSpan (int start, int length) Source #

method Lens<Arr<A>, A> item (int index) Source #

Item at index lens

method Lens<Arr<A>, Option<A>> itemOrNone (int index) Source #

Item or none at index lens

method Lens<Arr<A>, Arr<B>> map <B> (Lens<A, B> lens) Source #

Lens map

method Arr<A> Add (A valueToAdd) Source #

Add an item to the end of the array

method Arr<A> AddRange (IEnumerable<A> items) Source #

Add a range of items to the end of the array

method Arr<A> Clear () Source #

Clear the array

method Enumerator GetEnumerator () Source #

Get enumerator

method int IndexOf (A item, int index = 0, int count = -1, IEqualityComparer<A>? equalityComparer = null) Source #

Find the index of an item

method int LastIndexOf (A item, int index = -1, int count = -1, IEqualityComparer<A>? equalityComparer = null) Source #

Find the index of an item

method int IndexOf <EQ> (A item, int index = 0, int count = -1) Source #

where EQ : Eq<A>

Find the index of an item

method int LastIndexOf <EQ> (A item, int index = -1, int count = -1) Source #

where EQ : Eq<A>

Find the index of an item

method Arr<A> Insert (int index, A valueToInsert) Source #

Insert value at specified index

method Arr<A> InsertRange (int index, IEnumerable<A> items) Source #

Insert range of values at specified index

method Arr<A> Remove (A valueToRemove) Source #

Remove an item from the array

method Arr<A> Remove (A valueToRemove, IEqualityComparer<A> equalityComparer) Source #

Remove an item from the array

method Arr<A> Remove <EQ> (A valueToRemove) Source #

where EQ : Eq<A>

Remove an item from the array

method Arr<A> RemoveAll (Predicate<A> pred) Source #

Remove all items that match a predicate

method Arr<A> RemoveAt (int index) Source #

Remove item at location


param index

method Arr<A> RemoveRange (int index, int count) Source #

Remove a range of items

method Arr<A> SetItem (int index, A valueToSet) Source #

Set an item at the specified index

method Iterable<A> AsIterable () Source #

method Seq<A> ToSeq () Source #

method string ToString () Source #

Format the collection as [a, b, c, ...] The ellipsis is used for collections over 50 items To get a formatted string with all the items, use ToFullString or ToFullArrayString.

method string ToFullString (string separator = ", ") Source #

Format the collection as a, b, c, ...

method string ToFullArrayString (string separator = ", ") Source #

Format the collection as [a, b, c, ...]

method Iterable<A> Skip (int amount) Source #

method Arr<A> Reverse () Source #

Reverse the order of the items in the array

method Arr<A> Do (Action<A> f) Source #

Impure iteration of the bound values in the structure



Returns the original unmodified structure

method Arr<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> map) Source #


method K<F, Arr<B>> Traverse <F, B> (Func<A, K<F, B>> f) Source #

where F : Applicative<F>

Map each element of a structure to an action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and collect the results.


type F

Applicative functor trait

type B

Bound value (output)

param f
param ta

Traversable structure

method K<M, Arr<B>> TraverseM <M, B> (Func<A, K<M, B>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Map each element of a structure to an action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and collect the results.


type M

Monad trait

type B

Bound value (output)

param f
param ta

Traversable structure

method Arr<A> Filter (Func<A, bool> pred) Source #


method Arr<A> Combine (Arr<A> rhs) Source #

method bool Equals (object? obj) Source #

method int GetHashCode () Source #

Get the hash code Lazily (and once only) calculates the hash from the elements in the array Empty array hash == 0

method int CompareTo (object? obj) Source #

method bool Equals (Arr<A> other) Source #

method int CompareTo (Arr<A> other) Source #

method Arr<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, Arr<B>> f) Source #


operator + (Arr<A> lhs, A rhs) Source #

operator + (A lhs, Arr<A> rhs) Source #

operator + (Arr<A> lhs, Arr<A> rhs) Source #

operator | (Arr<A> x, K<Arr, A> y) Source #

Choice operator

operator | (K<Arr, A> x, Arr<A> y) Source #

Choice operator

operator == (Arr<A> lhs, Arr<A> rhs) Source #

operator != (Arr<A> lhs, Arr<A> rhs) Source #

operator > (Arr<A> left, Arr<A> right) Source #

operator >= (Arr<A> left, Arr<A> right) Source #

operator < (Arr<A> left, Arr<A> right) Source #

operator <= (Arr<A> left, Arr<A> right) Source #

struct Enumerator Source #


property A Current Source #


method bool MoveNext () Source #

class ArrExtensions Source #


method Arr<A> As <A> (this K<Arr, A> xs) Source #

method A[] Flatten <A> (this A[][] ma) Source #

Monadic join

method Arr<A> Flatten <A> (this Arr<Arr<A>> ma) Source #

Monadic join

method Arr<A> Filter <A> (this Arr<A> ma, Func<A, bool> f) Source #

method Arr<A> Where <A> (this Arr<A> ma, Func<A, bool> f) Source #

method Arr<B> Map <A, B> (this Arr<A> ma, Func<A, B> f) Source #

method Arr<B> Select <A, B> (this Arr<A> ma, Func<A, B> f) Source #

method Arr<B> Bind <A, B> (this Arr<A> ma, Func<A, Arr<B>> f) Source #

method Arr<B> SelectMany <A, B> (this Arr<A> ma, Func<A, Arr<B>> f) Source #

method Arr<C> SelectMany <A, B, C> (this Arr<A> ma, Func<A, Arr<B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

method IQueryable<A> AsQueryable <A> (this Arr<A> source) Source #

Convert to a queryable

class ArrExtensions Source #


method Arr<B> Map <A, B> (this Func<A, B> f, K<Arr, A> ma) Source #

Functor map operation

Unwraps the value within the functor, passes it to the map function f provided, and then takes the mapped value and wraps it back up into a new functor.


param ma

Functor to map

param f

Mapping function


Mapped functor

method Arr<B> Map <A, B> (this Func<A, B> f, Arr<A> ma) Source #

Functor map operation

Unwraps the value within the functor, passes it to the map function f provided, and then takes the mapped value and wraps it back up into a new functor.


param ma

Functor to map

param f

Mapping function


Mapped functor

method Arr<B> Action <A, B> (this Arr<A> ma, K<Arr, B> mb) Source #

Applicative action: runs the first applicative, ignores the result, and returns the second applicative

method Arr<B> Action <A, B> (this K<Arr, A> ma, K<Arr, B> mb) Source #

Applicative action: runs the first applicative, ignores the result, and returns the second applicative

method Arr<B> Apply <A, B> (this Arr<Func<A, B>> mf, K<Arr, A> ma) Source #

Applicative functor apply operation

Unwraps the value within the ma applicative-functor, passes it to the unwrapped function(s) within mf, and then takes the resulting value and wraps it back up into a new applicative-functor.


param ma

Value(s) applicative functor

param mf

Mapping function(s)


Mapped applicative functor

method Arr<B> Apply <A, B> (this K<Arr, Func<A, B>> mf, K<Arr, A> ma) Source #

Applicative functor apply operation

Unwraps the value within the ma applicative-functor, passes it to the unwrapped function(s) within mf, and then takes the resulting value and wraps it back up into a new applicative-functor.


param ma

Value(s) applicative functor

param mf

Mapping function(s)


Mapped applicative functor

class Arr Source #


method Arr<T> empty <T> () Source #

Create an empty array

method Arr<T> create <T> () Source #

Create a new empty array



Lst T

method Arr<A> singleton <A> (A value) Source #

Create a singleton array


param value

Single value


Collection with a single item in it

method Arr<T> create <T> (ReadOnlySpan<T> items) Source #

Create an array from a initial set of items


param items



Lst T

method Arr<T> create <T> (params T[] items) Source #

Create an array from a initial set of items


param items



Lst T

method Arr<T> createRange <T> (IEnumerable<T> items) Source #

Create an array from an initial set of items


param items



Lst T

method Arr<T> add <T> (Arr<T> array, T value) Source #

Add an item to the array


param array


param value

Item to add


A new Lst T

method Arr<T> addRange <T> (Arr<T> array, IEnumerable<T> value) Source #

Add a range of items to the array


param array


param value

Items to add


A new Lst T

method Arr<T> remove <T> (Arr<T> array, T value) Source #

Remove an item from the array


param array


param value

value to remove


A new Lst T

method Arr<T> removeAt <T> (Arr<T> array, int index) Source #

Remove an item at a specified index in the array


param array


param index

Index of item to remove


A new Lst T

method T[] rev <T> (T[] array) Source #

Reverses the array (Reverse in LINQ)


type T

Array item type

param array

Array to reverse


Reversed list

method Arr<T> rev <T> (Arr<T> array) Source #

Reverses the array (Reverse in LINQ)


type T

Array item type

param array

Array to reverse


Reversed list

method A[] flatten <A> (A[][] ma) Source #

Monadic join

method Arr<A> flatten <A> (Arr<Arr<A>> ma) Source #

Monadic join

class Arr Source #

class Prelude Source #


method Arr<B> map <A, B> (Func<A, B> f, K<Arr, A> ma) Source #

Functor map operation

Unwraps the value within the functor, passes it to the map function f provided, and then takes the mapped value and wraps it back up into a new functor.


param ma

Functor to map

param f

Mapping function


Mapped functor

method Arr<B> action <A, B> (K<Arr, A> ma, K<Arr, B> mb) Source #

Applicative action: runs the first applicative, ignores the result, and returns the second applicative

method Arr<B> apply <A, B> (K<Arr, Func<A, B>> mf, K<Arr, A> ma) Source #

Applicative functor apply operation

Unwraps the value within the ma applicative-functor, passes it to the unwrapped function(s) within mf, and then takes the resulting value and wraps it back up into a new applicative-functor.


param ma

Value(s) applicative functor

param mf

Mapping function(s)


Mapped applicative functor