
LanguageExt.Core Immutable Collections IteratorAsync

Iterator<A> is a functional-wrapper for IEnumerator<A>. The abstraction leaks a little, so it's worth understanding how it works by reading the details below. On the whole it behaves like an immutable stream that caches values as it goes, but there's some footguns that you should be aware of so that they can be avoided.

Problem: IEnumerator<A>

Nobody in their right mind would invent an interface like IEnumerator<A> today.

Solution: Iterator<A>

Iterator<A> still uses IEnumerator<A> internally, but it makes it thread-safe and functional. From the outside the type acts and works exactly like any other immutable sequence, but internally it does some quite complex processing to achieve this with an IEnumerator<A> reference.

You may say "Why not just drop IEnumerator<A>?" - which is a completely valid position to hold. Unfortunately, IEnumerable and IEnumerator are baked into the CPS state-machine that is used for yield return and yield break. So, we don't get to ignore those types, and instead we need to make them play nice.

IEnumerable<A> has a method called GetEnumerator() which is used to access an IEnumerator<A>. A new extension method is available called GetIterator(), this will yield an Iterator<A>.

You can pattern-match an Iterator<A> like a functional 'cons' linked-list type:

static A Sum<A>(Iterator<A> iter) where A : INumber =>
    iter switch
        Iterator<A>.Nil                 => A.Zero,
        Iterator<A>.Cons(var x, var xs) => x + Sum(xs),

Or, use IsEmpty and Head:

static A Sum<A>(Iterator<A> iter) where A : INumber =>
        ? A.Zero
        : iter.Head + Sum(iter.Tail);

Or, use built-in operators:

static A Sum<A>(Iterator<A> iter) where A : INumber =>
    iter.Fold(A.Zero, (s, x) => s + x);

Or, take an imperative approach:

static A Sum<A>(Iterator<A> iter) where A : INumber
    var total = A.Zero;
        total += iter.Head;
        iter = iter.Tail;
    return total;

Iterator<A> is abstract and the first type returned from GetIterator() will be a Iterator<A>.ConsFirst, this type implements Iterator<A>. The internal fields that ConsFirst contains are these:

IEnumerable<A> enumerable;
int firstAcquired;
Iterator<A>? firstValue;

So, you can see that it doesn't actually have an IEnumerator<A> as this point.

The two key properties of Iterator<A> are Head (for accessing the current item) and Tail (for accessing the remaining items), so let's look at those for ConsFirst:

public override A Head =>

public override Iterator<A> Tail =>

They both access First, which is:

Iterator<A> First
        if (firstAcquired == 2) return firstValue!;
        SpinWait sw = default;
        while (firstAcquired < 2)
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref firstAcquired, 1, 0) == 0)
                    var enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator();
                    if (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        firstValue = new ConsValueEnum(enumerator.Current, enumerator);
                        firstValue = Nil.Default;

                    firstAcquired = 2;
                catch (Exception)
                    firstAcquired = 0;

        return firstValue!;

This all looks quite complex, but you should be able to see that the Interlocked.CompareExchange then-block is where the IEnumerator is created. We then either set firstValue to a new ConsValueEnum with the head-item and the enumerator as arguments; or we set it to Nil.

Upon success we set firstAcquired to 2. So, subsequent calls to First will just return firstValue. This locking technique without using locks is a way to efficiently protect the enumerator from race-conditions.

So, upon first access to either Head or Tail we launch the IEnumerator and cache the first item in the sequence. All subsequent access goes to Head or Tail on either Nil or ConsValueEnum. We never touch the IEnumerator again in ConsFirst.

The Nil implementation isn't so surprising:

public override A Head =>
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Nil iterator has no head");

public override Iterator<A> Tail =>

ConsValueEnum is where it gets interesting. It has the following internal fields:

Exception? exception;
IEnumerator<A>? enumerator;
int tailAcquired;
Iterator<A>? tailValue;

It also has a Head property that is set in the constructor:

public override A Head { get; }

So, we can access the Head value at any time, but the Tail value isn't yet set:

public override Iterator<A> Tail
        if(tailAcquired == 2) return tailValue!;
        if(tailAcquired == 3) exception!.Rethrow();

        SpinWait sw = default;
        while (tailAcquired < 2)
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref tailAcquired, 1, 0) == 0)
                    if (enumerator!.MoveNext())
                        tailValue = new ConsValueEnum(enumerator.Current, enumerator);
                        enumerator = null;
                        tailValue = Nil.Default;

                    tailAcquired = 2;
                catch (Exception e)
                    exception = e;
                    tailAcquired = 3;

        if(tailAcquired == 3) exception!.Rethrow();
        return tailValue!;

This does a similar thing to ConsFirst of protecting a section with Interlocked.CompareExchange. So, we can only ever access the 'then' part [of that if statement] once. In that block we MoveNext the IEnumerator which will either return true or false.

If true then we create another ConsValueEnum, if false then we use Nil. Whichever is created gets assigned to tailValue and tailAcquired gets set to 2. That means subsequent calls to Tail will just return tailValue.

That process continues for each item of the sequence until the IEnumerator runs out of items to yield. The end result is a linked-list of ConsValueEnum objects that have a ConsFirst object at the head of the linked-list.

So, Iterator<A> effectively caches the sequence as you go. If you hold on to the head of the sequence then the whole list may end up in memory at once. This could be problematic when working with large lazy sequences or even infinite sequences.

This for example is fine:

for(var iter = Naturals.GetIterator(); !iter.IsEmpty; iter = iter.Tail)

Because the iter reference keeps getting updated in-place, meaning that nothing is holding on to the head-item in the sequence, and so the garbage-collector can collect those unreferenced items.

Whereas this will cause memory-usage to grow and grow:

var start = Naturals.GetIterator();
for(var iter = start; !iter.IsEmpty; iter = iter.Tail)

Because start is holding a reference to the first item, so it must hold a reference (indirectly) to every subsequent item. Meaning the garbage-collector can't collect.

To get around this you can use Clone:

var start = Naturals.GetIterator();
for(var iter = start.Clone(); !iter.IsEmpty; iter = iter.Tail)

This creates a new 'head' for the sequence and so iter is the only reference, meaning updates to iter make the head elements free for garbage collection.

So, Iterator<A> is much, much more powerful than IEnumerator<A>. It is mostly useful for immutable data-types that need to carry an IEnumerator<A>, but can't due it its limitations. Iterator<A> has some limitations of its own, but they are relatively easy to workaround, whereas that isn't the case with IEnumerator<A> (without writing a type like Iterator<A>!).


class IteratorAsync <A> Source #

Wrapper for IEnumerator that makes it work like an immutable sequence.

It is thread-safe and impossible for any item in the sequence to be enumerated more than once.

IEnumerator from the .NET BCL has several problems:

  • It's very imperative
  • It's not thread-safe, two enumerators can't be shared

The lack of support for sharing of enumerators means that it's problematic using it internally in types like StreamT, or anything that needs to keep an IEnumerator alive for any period of time.

NOTE: There is a per-item allocation to hold the state of the iterator. These are discarded as you enumerate the sequence. However, technically it is possible to hold the initial Iterator value and subsequently gain a cached sequence of every item encountered in the enumerator.

That may well be valuable for circumstances where re-evaluation would be expensive. However, for infinite-streams this would be extremely problematic. So, make sure you discard any previous IteratorAsync values as you walk the sequence.


type A

Item value type


field IteratorAsync<A> Empty = new Nil() Source #

Empty iterator


property ValueTask<A> Head Source #

Head element

property ValueTask<IteratorAsync<A>> Tail Source #

Tail of the sequence

property ValueTask<bool> IsEmpty Source #

Return true if there are no elements in the sequence.

property ValueTask<long> Count Source #

Return the number of items in the sequence.

Requires all items to be evaluated, this will happen only once however.


method IteratorAsync<A> Clone () Source #

Clone the iterator so that we can consume it without having the head item referenced. This will stop any GC pressure when processing large or infinite sequences.

method IteratorAsync<A> Split () Source #

When iterating a sequence, it is possible (before evaluation of the Tail) to Terminate the current iterator and to take a new iterator that continues on from the current location. The reasons for doing this are to break the linked-list chain so that there isn't a big linked-list of objects in memory that can't be garbage collected.

Any other iterator references that came before this one will terminate at this point. Splitting the previous and subsequent iterators here.



New iterator that starts from the current iterator position.

method IAsyncEnumerable<A> AsEnumerable ([EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken token) Source #

Create an IEnumerable from an Iterator

method IteratorAsync<B> Select <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

Functor map

method IteratorAsync<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

Functor map

method IteratorAsync<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, IteratorAsync<B>> f) Source #

Monad bind

method IteratorAsync<C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, IteratorAsync<B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monad bind

method IteratorAsync<B> Apply <B> (IteratorAsync<Func<A, B>> ff, IteratorAsync<A> fa) Source #

Applicative apply

method IteratorAsync<A> Concat (IteratorAsync<A> other) Source #

Concatenate two iterators

method ValueTask<S> Fold <S> ( S state, Func<A, Func<S, S>> f) Source #

Fold the sequence while there are more items remaining

method ValueTask<S> Fold <S> ( S state, Func<S, A, S> f) Source #

Fold the sequence while there are more items remaining

method ValueTask<S> FoldWhile <S> ( S state, Func<A, Func<S, S>> f, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #

Fold the sequence while the predicate returns true and there are more items remaining

method ValueTask<S> FoldWhile <S> ( S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #

Fold the sequence while the predicate returns true and there are more items remaining

method ValueTask<S> FoldUntil <S> ( S state, Func<A, Func<S, S>> f, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #

Fold the sequence until the predicate returns true or the sequence ends

method ValueTask<S> FoldUntil <S> ( S state, Func<S, A, S> f, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #

Fold the sequence until the predicate returns true or the sequence ends

method IteratorAsync<A> Merge (IteratorAsync<A> other) Source #

Interleave two iterator sequences together

Whilst there are items in both sequences, each is yielded after the other. Once one sequence runs out of items, the remaining items of the other sequence is yielded alone.

method IteratorAsync<(A First , A Second)> Zip (IteratorAsync<A> other) Source #

Zips the items of two sequences together

The output sequence will be as long as the shortest input sequence.

method ValueTask DisposeAsync () Source #


method IAsyncEnumerator<A> GetAsyncEnumerator (CancellationToken token) Source #

Get enumerator



method string ToString () Source #


operator + (IteratorAsync<A> ma, IteratorAsync<A> mb) Source #

Combine two sequences

class Nil Source #

Nil iterator case

The end of the sequence.


field IteratorAsync<A> Default = new Nil() Source #


property ValueTask<A> Head Source #

Head element

property ValueTask<IteratorAsync<A>> Tail Source #

Tail of the sequence

property ValueTask<bool> IsEmpty Source #

Return true if there are no elements in the sequence.

property ValueTask<long> Count Source #

Return the number of items in the sequence.

Requires all items to be evaluated, this will happen only once however.


method IteratorAsync<A> Clone () Source #

Clone the iterator so that we can consume it without having the head item referenced. This will stop any GC pressure.

method IteratorAsync<A> Split () Source #

When iterating a sequence, it is possible (before evaluation of the Tail) to Terminate the current iterator and to take a new iterator that continues on from the current location. The reasons for doing this are to break the linked-list chain so that there isn't a big linked-list of objects in memory that can't be garbage collected.



New iterator that starts from the current iterator position

method ValueTask DisposeAsync () Source #

class Cons Source #

Cons iterator case.

Contains a head value and a tail that represents the rest of the sequence.


method void Deconstruct (out ValueTask<A> head, out ValueTask<IteratorAsync<A>> tail) Source #

class IteratorAsyncExtensions Source #


method IteratorAsync<A> As <A> (this K<IteratorAsync, A> ma) Source #

Downcast operator

method IteratorAsync<A> GetIteratorAsync <A> (this IAsyncEnumerable<A> enumerable) Source #

Get an iterator for any IAsyncEnumerable

class IteratorAsync Source #


method IteratorAsync<A> from <A> (IAsyncEnumerable<A> enumerable) Source #

Create an iterator from an IAsyncEnumerable


type A
param enumerable

method IteratorAsync<A> singleton <A> (A head) Source #

Construct a singleton sequence


type A

Bound value type

param head

Head item



method IteratorAsync<A> Cons <A> (A head, IteratorAsync<A> tail) Source #

Construct a sequence from a head item and a tail sequence


type A

Bound value type

param head

Head item

param tail

Tail sequences



method IteratorAsync<A> Cons <A> (A head, Func<IteratorAsync<A>> tail) Source #

Construct a sequence from a head item and a tail sequence


type A

Bound value type

param head

Head item

param tail

Tail sequences



method IteratorAsync<A> Nil <A> () Source #

Empty sequence


type A

Bound value type

