
LanguageExt.Core Traits MonoidK


interface MonoidK <M> Source #

where M : MonoidK<M>

Equivalent of monoids for working on higher-kinded types


type M

Higher kind


method K<M, A> Empty <A> () Source #

class MonoidK Source #


method K<M, A> empty <M, A> () Source #

where M : MonoidK<M>

The identity of append

method K<M, A> combine <M, A> (K<M, A> x, K<M, A> y) Source #

where M : MonoidK<M>

Combine two structures

method K<M, A> combine <M, A> (K<M, A> mx, K<M, A> my, K<M, A> mz, params K<M, A>[] xs) Source #

where M : MonoidK<M>

Fold a list using the monoid.

method K<M, A> combine <M, A> (IEnumerable<K<M, A>> xs) Source #

where M : MonoidK<M>

Fold a list using the monoid.

method K<M, A> combine <M, A> (Seq<K<M, A>> xs) Source #

where M : MonoidK<M>

Fold a list using the monoid.