- Accel
- ToString ()
- Equals (Accel other)
- Equals (Accel other, double epsilon)
- Equals (object? obj)
- GetHashCode ()
- CompareTo (object? obj)
- CompareTo (Accel other)
- Add (Accel rhs)
- Subtract (Accel rhs)
- Multiply (double rhs)
- Divide (double rhs)
- * (Accel lhs, double rhs)
- * (double lhs, Accel rhs)
- * (Accel lhs, Time rhs)
- * (Time lhs, Accel rhs)
- * (Accel lhs, Length rhs)
- * (Length lhs, Accel rhs)
- * (Accel lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- * (TimeSq lhs, Accel rhs)
- + (Accel lhs, Accel rhs)
- - (Accel lhs, Accel rhs)
- / (Accel lhs, double rhs)
- / (Accel lhs, Accel rhs)
- == (Accel lhs, Accel rhs)
- != (Accel lhs, Accel rhs)
- > (Accel lhs, Accel rhs)
- < (Accel lhs, Accel rhs)
- >= (Accel lhs, Accel rhs)
- <= (Accel lhs, Accel rhs)
- Pow (double power)
- Round ()
- Sqrt ()
- Abs ()
- Min (Accel rhs)
- Max (Accel rhs)
- MetresPerSecond2
- UnitsAccelExtensions
- MetresPerSecond2 (this int self)
- MetresPerSecond2 (this float self)
- MetresPerSecond2 (this double self)
- Area
- ToString ()
- Equals (Area other)
- Equals (Area other, double epsilon)
- Equals (object? obj)
- GetHashCode ()
- CompareTo (object? obj)
- CompareTo (Area other)
- Add (Area rhs)
- Subtract (Area rhs)
- Multiply (double rhs)
- Divide (double rhs)
- * (Area lhs, double rhs)
- * (double lhs, Area rhs)
- / (Area lhs, double rhs)
- + (Area lhs, Area rhs)
- - (Area lhs, Area rhs)
- / (Area lhs, Length rhs)
- / (Area lhs, Area rhs)
- == (Area lhs, Area rhs)
- != (Area lhs, Area rhs)
- > (Area lhs, Area rhs)
- < (Area lhs, Area rhs)
- >= (Area lhs, Area rhs)
- <= (Area lhs, Area rhs)
- Pow (double power)
- Round ()
- Sqrt ()
- Abs ()
- Min (Area rhs)
- Max (Area rhs)
- SqKilometres
- SqMetres
- SqCentimetres
- SqMillimetres
- UnitsAreaExtensions
- SqKilometres (this int self)
- SqKilometres (this float self)
- SqKilometres (this double self)
- SqMetres (this int self)
- SqMetres (this float self)
- SqMetres (this double self)
- SqCentimetres (this int self)
- SqCentimetres (this float self)
- SqCentimetres (this double self)
- SqMillimetres (this int self)
- SqMillimetres (this float self)
- SqMillimetres (this double self)
- Length
- ToString ()
- Equals (Length other)
- Equals (Length other, double epsilon)
- Equals (object? obj)
- GetHashCode ()
- CompareTo (object? obj)
- CompareTo (Length other)
- Add (Length rhs)
- Subtract (Length rhs)
- Multiply (double rhs)
- Divide (double rhs)
- * (Length lhs, Length rhs)
- * (Length lhs, double rhs)
- * (double lhs, Length rhs)
- - (Length self)
- + (Length lhs, Length rhs)
- - (Length lhs, Length rhs)
- / (Length lhs, double rhs)
- / (Length lhs, Length rhs)
- / (Length lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- / (Length lhs, Velocity rhs)
- / (Length lhs, Time rhs)
- == (Length lhs, Length rhs)
- != (Length lhs, Length rhs)
- > (Length lhs, Length rhs)
- < (Length lhs, Length rhs)
- >= (Length lhs, Length rhs)
- <= (Length lhs, Length rhs)
- Pow (double power)
- Round ()
- Sqrt ()
- Abs ()
- Min (Length rhs)
- Max (Length rhs)
- Miles
- NauticalMiles
- Yards
- Feet
- Inches
- Kilometres
- Hectometres
- Decametres
- Metres
- Centimetres
- Millimetres
- Micrometres
- Nanometres
- Angstroms
- From (double repr)
- To ()
- UnitsLengthExtensions
- Miles (this int self)
- Miles (this float self)
- Miles (this double self)
- NauticalMiles (this int self)
- NauticalMiles (this float self)
- NauticalMiles (this double self)
- Yards (this int self)
- Yards (this float self)
- Yards (this double self)
- Feet (this int self)
- Feet (this float self)
- Feet (this double self)
- Inches (this int self)
- Inches (this float self)
- Inches (this double self)
- Kilometres (this int self)
- Kilometres (this float self)
- Kilometres (this double self)
- Metres (this int self)
- Metres (this float self)
- Metres (this double self)
- Centimetres (this int self)
- Centimetres (this float self)
- Centimetres (this double self)
- Millimetres (this int self)
- Millimetres (this float self)
- Millimetres (this double self)
- Micrometres (this int self)
- Micrometres (this float self)
- Micrometres (this double self)
- Nanometres (this int self)
- Nanometres (this float self)
- Nanometres (this double self)
- Angstroms (this int self)
- Angstroms (this float self)
- Angstroms (this double self)
- Mass
- ToString ()
- CompareTo (object? obj)
- CompareTo (Mass other)
- Equals (Mass other)
- Equals (Mass other, double epsilon)
- Equals (object? obj)
- GetHashCode ()
- Add (Mass rhs)
- Subtract (Mass rhs)
- Multiply (double rhs)
- Divide (double rhs)
- * (Mass lhs, double rhs)
- * (double lhs, Mass rhs)
- + (Mass lhs, Mass rhs)
- - (Mass lhs, Mass rhs)
- / (Mass lhs, double rhs)
- / (Mass lhs, Mass rhs)
- == (Mass lhs, Mass rhs)
- != (Mass lhs, Mass rhs)
- > (Mass lhs, Mass rhs)
- < (Mass lhs, Mass rhs)
- >= (Mass lhs, Mass rhs)
- <= (Mass lhs, Mass rhs)
- Round ()
- Sqrt ()
- Abs ()
- Min (Mass rhs)
- Max (Mass rhs)
- Grams
- Kilograms
- Tonnes
- Ounces
- Pounds
- Stones
- ImperialTons
- ShortTons
- UnitsMassExtensions
- Grams (this int self)
- Grams (this double self)
- Grams (this float self)
- Kilograms (this int self)
- Kilograms (this double self)
- Kilograms (this float self)
- Tonnes (this int self)
- Tonnes (this double self)
- Tonnes (this float self)
- Ounces (this int self)
- Ounces (this double self)
- Ounces (this float self)
- Pounds (this int self)
- Pounds (this double self)
- Pounds (this float self)
- Stones (this int self)
- Stones (this double self)
- Stones (this float self)
- ImperialTons (this int self)
- ImperialTons (this double self)
- ImperialTons (this float self)
- ShortTon (this int self)
- ShortTon (this double self)
- ShortTon (this float self)
- UnitsOfMeasure
- mm = 1.Millimetres()
- millimetre = 1.Millimetres()
- millimetres = 1.Millimetres()
- millimeter = 1.Millimetres()
- millimeters = 1.Millimetres()
- cm = 1.Centimetres()
- centimetre = 1.Centimetres()
- centimetres = 1.Centimetres()
- centimeter = 1.Centimetres()
- centimeters = 1.Centimetres()
- m = 1.Metres()
- metre = 1.Metres()
- metres = 1.Metres()
- meter = 1.Metres()
- meters = 1.Metres()
- km = 1.Kilometres()
- kilometre = 1.Kilometres()
- kilometres = 1.Kilometres()
- kilometer = 1.Kilometres()
- kilometers = 1.Kilometres()
- inch = 1.Inches()
- inches = 1.Inches()
- ft = 1.Feet()
- foot = 1.Feet()
- feet = 1.Feet()
- yd = 1.Yards()
- yard = 1.Yards()
- yards = 1.Yards()
- mile = 1.Miles()
- miles = 1.Miles()
- nauticalMile = 1.NauticalMiles()
- mm2 = 1.SqMillimetres()
- millimetre2 = 1.SqMillimetres()
- millimeter2 = 1.SqMillimetres()
- cm2 = 1.SqCentimetres()
- centimetre2 = 1.SqCentimetres()
- centimeter2 = 1.SqCentimetres()
- m2 = 1.SqMetres()
- metre2 = 1.SqMetres()
- meter2 = 1.SqMetres()
- km2 = 1.SqKilometres()
- kilometre2 = 1.SqKilometres()
- kilometer2 = 1.SqKilometres()
- s = 1.Seconds()
- sec = 1.Seconds()
- second = 1.Seconds()
- seconds = 1.Seconds()
- min = 1.Minutes()
- mins = 1.Minutes()
- minute = 1.Minutes()
- minutes = 1.Minutes()
- hr = 1.Hours()
- hrs = 1.Hours()
- hour = 1.Hours()
- hours = 1.Hours()
- day = 1.Days()
- days = 1.Days()
- ms = 1.Milliseconds()
- millisecond = 1.Milliseconds()
- milliseconds = 1.Milliseconds()
- mph = miles /hour
- kph = km /hour
- ms2 = m /s /s
- degC = new (Temperature.UnitType.C, 1)
- degF = new (Temperature.UnitType.F, 1)
- K = new (Temperature.UnitType.K, 1)
- g = 1.Grams()
- gram = 1.Grams()
- kg = 1.Kilograms()
- kilogram = 1.Kilograms()
- tonne = 1.Tonnes()
- oz = 1.Ounces()
- ounce = 1.Ounces()
- lb = 1.Pounds()
- pound = 1.Pounds()
- st = 1.Stones()
- stone = 1.Stones()
- ton = 1.ImperialTons()
- shortTon = 1.ShortTon()
- Temperature
- AbsoluteZero = default
- ZeroCelsius = new (UnitType.C, 0.0)
- ZeroFahrenheit = new (UnitType.F, 0.0)
- GetHashCode ()
- Equals (object? obj)
- Equals (Temperature rhs)
- ToString ()
- Kelvin
- KValue
- Celsius
- Fahrenheit
- Equals (Temperature rhs, double epsilon)
- CompareTo (object? obj)
- CompareTo (Temperature rhs)
- Add (Temperature rhs)
- Subtract (Temperature rhs)
- Multiply (double rhs)
- Divide (double rhs)
- * (Temperature lhs, double rhs)
- * (double lhs, Temperature rhs)
- + (Temperature lhs, Temperature rhs)
- - (Temperature lhs, Temperature rhs)
- / (Temperature lhs, double rhs)
- == (Temperature lhs, Temperature rhs)
- != (Temperature lhs, Temperature rhs)
- > (Temperature lhs, Temperature rhs)
- < (Temperature lhs, Temperature rhs)
- >= (Temperature lhs, Temperature rhs)
- <= (Temperature lhs, Temperature rhs)
- Round ()
- Abs ()
- Min (Temperature rhs)
- Max (Temperature rhs)
- UnitsTemperatureExtensions
- Celsius (this int self)
- Celsius (this float self)
- Celsius (this double self)
- Fahrenheit (this int self)
- Fahrenheit (this float self)
- Fahrenheit (this double self)
- Kelvin (this int self)
- Kelvin (this float self)
- Kelvin (this double self)
- Time
- ToString ()
- Equals (Time other)
- Equals (Time other, double epsilon)
- Equals (object? obj)
- GetHashCode ()
- CompareTo (object? obj)
- CompareTo (Time other)
- Add (Time rhs)
- Subtract (Time rhs)
- Multiply (double rhs)
- Divide (double rhs)
- * (Time lhs, double rhs)
- * (double lhs, Time rhs)
- * (Time lhs, Time rhs)
- ^ (Time lhs, int power)
- / (Time lhs, double rhs)
- + (Time lhs, Time rhs)
- + (DateTime lhs, Time rhs)
- - (Time lhs, Time rhs)
- - (DateTime lhs, Time rhs)
- / (Time lhs, Time rhs)
- == (Time lhs, Time rhs)
- != (Time lhs, Time rhs)
- > (Time lhs, Time rhs)
- < (Time lhs, Time rhs)
- >= (Time lhs, Time rhs)
- <= (Time lhs, Time rhs)
- Pow (double power)
- Round ()
- Sqrt ()
- Abs ()
- Min (Time rhs)
- Max (Time rhs)
- ToTimeSpan ()
- Seconds
- Milliseconds
- Minutes
- Hours
- Days
- UnitsTimeExtensions
- Milliseconds (this int self)
- Milliseconds (this float self)
- Milliseconds (this double self)
- Seconds (this int self)
- Seconds (this float self)
- Seconds (this double self)
- Minutes (this int self)
- Minutes (this float self)
- Minutes (this double self)
- Hours (this int self)
- Hours (this float self)
- Hours (this double self)
- Days (this int self)
- Days (this float self)
- Days (this double self)
- TimeSq
- ToString ()
- Equals (TimeSq other)
- Equals (TimeSq other, double epsilon)
- Equals (object? obj)
- GetHashCode ()
- CompareTo (object? obj)
- CompareTo (TimeSq other)
- Add (TimeSq rhs)
- Subtract (TimeSq rhs)
- Multiply (double rhs)
- Divide (double rhs)
- * (TimeSq lhs, double rhs)
- * (double lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- / (TimeSq lhs, double rhs)
- + (TimeSq lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- - (TimeSq lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- / (TimeSq lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- == (TimeSq lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- != (TimeSq lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- > (TimeSq lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- < (TimeSq lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- >= (TimeSq lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- <= (TimeSq lhs, TimeSq rhs)
- Round ()
- Sqrt ()
- Abs ()
- Min (TimeSq rhs)
- Max (TimeSq rhs)
- Seconds2
- Velocity
- ToString ()
- Equals (Velocity other)
- Equals (Velocity other, double epsilon)
- Equals (object? obj)
- GetHashCode ()
- CompareTo (object? obj)
- CompareTo (Velocity other)
- Add (Velocity rhs)
- Subtract (Velocity rhs)
- Multiply (double rhs)
- Divide (double rhs)
- * (Velocity lhs, double rhs)
- * (double lhs, Velocity rhs)
- * (Velocity lhs, Time rhs)
- * (Time lhs, Velocity rhs)
- * (Velocity lhs, Velocity rhs)
- ^ (Velocity lhs, int power)
- + (Velocity lhs, Velocity rhs)
- - (Velocity lhs, Velocity rhs)
- / (Velocity lhs, double rhs)
- / (Velocity lhs, Velocity rhs)
- / (Velocity lhs, Time rhs)
- / (Velocity lhs, Accel rhs)
- == (Velocity lhs, Velocity rhs)
- != (Velocity lhs, Velocity rhs)
- > (Velocity lhs, Velocity rhs)
- < (Velocity lhs, Velocity rhs)
- >= (Velocity lhs, Velocity rhs)
- <= (Velocity lhs, Velocity rhs)
- Round ()
- Abs ()
- Min (Velocity rhs)
- Max (Velocity rhs)
- MetresPerSecond
- KilometresPerSecond
- KilometresPerHour
- MilesPerSecond
- MilesPerHour
- Knots
- UnitsVelocityExtensions
- MetresPerSecond (this int self)
- MetresPerSecond (this float self)
- MetresPerSecond (this double self)
- KilometresPerSecond (this int self)
- KilometresPerSecond (this float self)
- KilometresPerSecond (this double self)
- KilometresPerHour (this int self)
- KilometresPerHour (this float self)
- KilometresPerHour (this double self)
- MilesPerSecond (this int self)
- MilesPerSecond (this float self)
- MilesPerSecond (this double self)
- MilesPerHour (this int self)
- MilesPerHour (this float self)
- MilesPerHour (this double self)
- Knots (this int self)
- Knots (this float self)
- Knots (this double self)
- VelocitySq
- ToString ()
- Equals (VelocitySq other)
- Equals (VelocitySq other, double epsilon)
- Equals (object? obj)
- GetHashCode ()
- CompareTo (object? obj)
- CompareTo (VelocitySq other)
- Add (VelocitySq rhs)
- Subtract (VelocitySq rhs)
- Multiply (double rhs)
- Divide (double rhs)
- * (VelocitySq lhs, double rhs)
- * (double lhs, VelocitySq rhs)
- + (VelocitySq lhs, VelocitySq rhs)
- - (VelocitySq lhs, VelocitySq rhs)
- / (VelocitySq lhs, double rhs)
- / (VelocitySq lhs, VelocitySq rhs)
- == (VelocitySq lhs, VelocitySq rhs)
- != (VelocitySq lhs, VelocitySq rhs)
- > (VelocitySq lhs, VelocitySq rhs)
- < (VelocitySq lhs, VelocitySq rhs)
- >= (VelocitySq lhs, VelocitySq rhs)
- <= (VelocitySq lhs, VelocitySq rhs)
- Sqrt ()
- Round ()
- Abs ()
- Min (VelocitySq rhs)
- Max (VelocitySq rhs)
- MetresPerSecond2
Numeric acceleration value Handles unit conversions automatically Internally all speeds are stored as metres per-second squared All standard arithmetic operators work on the Accel type. So keep all accelerations wrapped until you need the value, then extract using various unit-of-measure accessors (MetresPerSecond2, etc.) or divide by 1.MetresPerSecond2()
property double MetresPerSecond2 Source #
method int GetHashCode () Source #
class UnitsAccelExtensions Source #
method Accel MetresPerSecond2 (this int self) Source #
method Accel MetresPerSecond2 (this float self) Source #
method Accel MetresPerSecond2 (this double self) Source #
Numeric area value Handles unit conversions automatically Internally all areas are stored as metres^2 All standard arithmetic operators work on the Area type. So keep all Areas wrapped until you need the value, then extract using various unit-of-measure accessors (SqMetres, SqCentimetres, etc.) or divide by 1.SqMetre()
property double SqKilometres Source #
property double SqCentimetres Source #
property double SqMillimetres Source #
method int GetHashCode () Source #
class UnitsAreaExtensions Source #
method Area SqKilometres (this int self) Source #
method Area SqKilometres (this float self) Source #
method Area SqKilometres (this double self) Source #
method Area SqCentimetres (this int self) Source #
method Area SqCentimetres (this float self) Source #
method Area SqCentimetres (this double self) Source #
method Area SqMillimetres (this int self) Source #
method Area SqMillimetres (this float self) Source #
method Area SqMillimetres (this double self) Source #
Numeric length value Handles unit conversions automatically Internally all lengths are stored as metres All standard arithmetic operators work on the Length type. So keep all Lengths wrapped until you need the value, then extract using various unit-of-measure accessors (Metres, Centimetres, etc.) or divide by 1.Metre()
property double NauticalMiles Source #
property double Kilometres Source #
property double Hectometres Source #
property double Decametres Source #
property double Centimetres Source #
property double Millimetres Source #
property double Micrometres Source #
property double Nanometres Source #
method int GetHashCode () Source #
class UnitsLengthExtensions Source #
method Length NauticalMiles (this int self) Source #
method Length NauticalMiles (this float self) Source #
method Length NauticalMiles (this double self) Source #
method Length Kilometres (this int self) Source #
method Length Kilometres (this float self) Source #
method Length Kilometres (this double self) Source #
method Length Centimetres (this int self) Source #
method Length Centimetres (this float self) Source #
method Length Centimetres (this double self) Source #
method Length Millimetres (this int self) Source #
method Length Millimetres (this float self) Source #
method Length Millimetres (this double self) Source #
method Length Micrometres (this int self) Source #
method Length Micrometres (this float self) Source #
method Length Micrometres (this double self) Source #
method Length Nanometres (this int self) Source #
method Length Nanometres (this float self) Source #
method Length Nanometres (this double self) Source #
class UnitsMassExtensions Source #
method Mass ImperialTons (this int self) Source #
method Mass ImperialTons (this double self) Source #
method Mass ImperialTons (this float self) Source #
class UnitsOfMeasure Source #
field Length mm = 1.Millimetres() Source #
Length x = 10*mm;
field Length millimetre = 1.Millimetres() Source #
Length x = 1*millimetre;
field Length millimetres = 1.Millimetres() Source #
Length x = 10*millimetres;
field Length millimeter = 1.Millimetres() Source #
Length x = 1*millimeter;
field Length millimeters = 1.Millimetres() Source #
Length x = 10*millimeters;
field Length cm = 1.Centimetres() Source #
Length x = 100*cm;
field Length centimetre = 1.Centimetres() Source #
Length x = 1*centimetre;
field Length centimetres = 1.Centimetres() Source #
Length x = 100*centimetres
field Length centimeter = 1.Centimetres() Source #
Length x = 1*centimeter;
field Length centimeters = 1.Centimetres() Source #
Length x = 100*centimeters;
field Length m = 1.Metres() Source #
Length x = 10*m;
field Length metre = 1.Metres() Source #
Length x = 1*metre;
field Length metres = 1.Metres() Source #
Length x = 10*metres;
field Length meter = 1.Metres() Source #
Length x = 1*meter;
field Length meters = 1.Metres() Source #
Length x = 10*meters;
field Length km = 1.Kilometres() Source #
Length x = 7*km;
field Length kilometre = 1.Kilometres() Source #
Length x = 1*kilometre;
field Length kilometres = 1.Kilometres() Source #
Length x = 7*kilometres;
field Length kilometer = 1.Kilometres() Source #
Length x = 1*kilometer;
field Length kilometers = 1.Kilometres() Source #
Length x = 7*kilometers;
field Length inch = 1.Inches() Source #
Length x = 7*inch;
field Length inches = 1.Inches() Source #
Length x = 7*inches;
field Length ft = 1.Feet() Source #
Length x = 7*ft;
field Length foot = 1.Feet() Source #
Length x = 7*foot;
field Length feet = 1.Feet() Source #
Length x = 7*feet;
field Length yd = 1.Yards() Source #
Length x = 7*yd;
field Length yard = 1.Yards() Source #
Length x = 7*yard;
field Length yards = 1.Yards() Source #
Length x = 7*yards;
field Length mile = 1.Miles() Source #
Length x = 7*mile;
field Length miles = 1.Miles() Source #
Length x = 7*miles;
field Length nauticalMile = 1.NauticalMiles() Source #
Length x = 7*nauticalMile;
field Area mm2 = 1.SqMillimetres() Source #
Millimetre squared
Area x = 10*mm2;
field Area millimetre2 = 1.SqMillimetres() Source #
Millimetre squared
Area x = 1*millimetre2;
field Area millimeter2 = 1.SqMillimetres() Source #
Millimeter squared
Area x = 10*millimeter2;
field Area cm2 = 1.SqCentimetres() Source #
Centimetre squared
Area x = 100*cm2;
field Area centimetre2 = 1.SqCentimetres() Source #
Centimetre squared
Area x = 100*centimetre2;
field Area centimeter2 = 1.SqCentimetres() Source #
Centimeter squared
Area x = 100*centimeter2;
field Area m2 = 1.SqMetres() Source #
Metre squared
Area x = 10*m2;
field Area metre2 = 1.SqMetres() Source #
Metre squared
Area x = 10*metre2;
field Area meter2 = 1.SqMetres() Source #
Meter squared
Area x = 10*meter2;
field Area km2 = 1.SqKilometres() Source #
Kilometre squared
Area x = 7*km2;
field Area kilometre2 = 1.SqKilometres() Source #
Kilometre squared
Area x = 7*kilometre2;
field Area kilometer2 = 1.SqKilometres() Source #
Kilometer squared
Area x = 7*kilometer2;
field Time s = 1.Seconds() Source #
Time x = 7*s;
field Time sec = 1.Seconds() Source #
Time x = 7*sec;
field Time second = 1.Seconds() Source #
Time x = 7*second;
field Time seconds = 1.Seconds() Source #
Time x = 7*seconds;
field Time min = 1.Minutes() Source #
Time x = 7*min;
field Time mins = 1.Minutes() Source #
Time x = 7*mins;
field Time minute = 1.Minutes() Source #
Time x = 7*minute;
field Time minutes = 1.Minutes() Source #
Time x = 7*minutes;
field Time hr = 1.Hours() Source #
Time x = 7*hr;
field Time hrs = 1.Hours() Source #
Time x = 7*hrs;
field Time hour = 1.Hours() Source #
Time x = 7*hour;
field Time hours = 1.Hours() Source #
Time x = 7*hours;
field Time day = 1.Days() Source #
Time x = 7*day;
field Time days = 1.Days() Source #
Time x = 7*days;
field Time ms = 1.Milliseconds() Source #
Time x = 7*ms;
field Time millisecond = 1.Milliseconds() Source #
Time x = 7*millisecond;
field Time milliseconds = 1.Milliseconds() Source #
Time x = 7*milliseconds;
field Velocity mph = miles /hour Source #
Miles per hour
field Velocity kph = km /hour Source #
Kilometres per hour
field Accel ms2 = m /s /s Source #
Metres per-second squared
field Temperature degC = new (Temperature.UnitType.C, 1) Source #
Degrees Celsius
field Temperature degF = new (Temperature.UnitType.F, 1) Source #
Degrees Fahrenheit
field Temperature K = new (Temperature.UnitType.K, 1) Source #
field Mass g = 1.Grams() Source #
Mass x = 10*g;
field Mass gram = 1.Grams() Source #
Mass x = 10*gram;
field Mass kg = 1.Kilograms() Source #
Mass x = 10*kg;
field Mass kilogram = 1.Kilograms() Source #
Mass x = 10*kilogram;
field Mass tonne = 1.Tonnes() Source #
Mass x = 10*tonne;
field Mass oz = 1.Ounces() Source #
Mass x = 10*oz;
field Mass ounce = 1.Ounces() Source #
Mass x = 10*ounce;
field Mass lb = 1.Pounds() Source #
Mass x = 10*lb;
field Mass pound = 1.Pounds() Source #
Mass x = 10*pound;
field Mass st = 1.Stones() Source #
Mass x = 10*st;
field Mass stone = 1.Stones() Source #
Mass x = 10*stone;
field Mass ton = 1.ImperialTons() Source #
Mass x = 10*ton;
field Mass shortTon = 1.ShortTon() Source #
Mass x = 10*shortTon;
struct Temperature Source #
field Temperature AbsoluteZero = default Source #
field Temperature ZeroCelsius = new (UnitType.C, 0.0) Source #
field Temperature ZeroFahrenheit = new (UnitType.F, 0.0) Source #
property Temperature Fahrenheit Source #
method int GetHashCode () Source #
class UnitsTemperatureExtensions Source #
method Temperature Fahrenheit (this int self) Source #
method Temperature Fahrenheit (this float self) Source #
method Temperature Fahrenheit (this double self) Source #
Numeric time-span value Handles unit conversions automatically All standard arithmetic operators work on the Time type. So keep all Times wrapped until you need the value, then extract using various unit-of-measure accessors (Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.) or divide by 1.Second() Implicitly convertible to TimeSpan
property double Milliseconds Source #
method int GetHashCode () Source #
method TimeSpan ToTimeSpan () Source #
class UnitsTimeExtensions Source #
method Time Milliseconds (this int self) Source #
method Time Milliseconds (this float self) Source #
method Time Milliseconds (this double self) Source #
Numeric velocity value Handles unit conversions automatically Internally all speeds are stored as metres per second All standard arithmetic operators work on the Velocity type. So keep all velocities wrapped until you need the value, then extract using various unit-of-measure accessors (MetresPerSecond, etc.) or divide by 1.MetrePerSecond()
property double MetresPerSecond Source #
property double KilometresPerSecond Source #
property double KilometresPerHour Source #
property double MilesPerSecond Source #
property double MilesPerHour Source #
method int GetHashCode () Source #
class UnitsVelocityExtensions Source #
method Velocity MetresPerSecond (this int self) Source #
method Velocity MetresPerSecond (this float self) Source #
method Velocity MetresPerSecond (this double self) Source #
method Velocity KilometresPerSecond (this int self) Source #
method Velocity KilometresPerSecond (this float self) Source #
method Velocity KilometresPerSecond (this double self) Source #
method Velocity KilometresPerHour (this int self) Source #
method Velocity KilometresPerHour (this float self) Source #
method Velocity KilometresPerHour (this double self) Source #
method Velocity MilesPerSecond (this int self) Source #
method Velocity MilesPerSecond (this float self) Source #
method Velocity MilesPerSecond (this double self) Source #
method Velocity MilesPerHour (this int self) Source #
method Velocity MilesPerHour (this float self) Source #
method Velocity MilesPerHour (this double self) Source #
struct VelocitySq Source #
Numeric VelocitySquared value Handles unit conversions automatically
property double MetresPerSecond2 Source #
method int GetHashCode () Source #