LanguageExt.Sys ► Sys ► IO
- Directory <M, RT>
- create (string path)
- delete (string path, bool recursive = true)
- getParent (string path)
- exists (string path)
- setCreationTime (string path, DateTime creationTime)
- setCreationTimeUtc (string path, DateTime creationTimeUtc)
- getCreationTime (string path)
- getCreationTimeUtc (string path)
- setLastWriteTime (string path, DateTime lastWriteTime)
- setLastWriteTimeUtc (string path, DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc)
- getLastWriteTime (string path)
- getLastWriteTimeUtc (string path)
- setLastAccessTime (string path, DateTime lastAccessTime)
- setLastAccessTimeUtc (string path, DateTime lastAccessTimeUtc)
- getLastAccessTime (string path)
- getLastAccessTimeUtc (string path)
- enumerateDirectories (string path)
- enumerateDirectories (string path, string searchPattern)
- enumerateDirectories (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)
- enumerateFiles (string path)
- enumerateFiles (string path, string searchPattern)
- enumerateFiles (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)
- enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path)
- enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path, string searchPattern)
- enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)
- getRoot (string path)
- current
- setCurrent (string path)
- move (string sourceDirName, string destDirName)
- logicalDrives
- Directory <RT>
- create (string path)
- delete (string path, bool recursive = true)
- getParent (string path)
- exists (string path)
- setCreationTime (string path, DateTime creationTime)
- setCreationTimeUtc (string path, DateTime creationTimeUtc)
- getCreationTime (string path)
- getCreationTimeUtc (string path)
- setLastWriteTime (string path, DateTime lastWriteTime)
- setLastWriteTimeUtc (string path, DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc)
- getLastWriteTime (string path)
- getLastWriteTimeUtc (string path)
- setLastAccessTime (string path, DateTime lastAccessTime)
- setLastAccessTimeUtc (string path, DateTime lastAccessTimeUtc)
- getLastAccessTime (string path)
- getLastAccessTimeUtc (string path)
- enumerateDirectories (string path)
- enumerateDirectories (string path, string searchPattern)
- enumerateDirectories (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)
- enumerateFiles (string path)
- enumerateFiles (string path, string searchPattern)
- enumerateFiles (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)
- enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path)
- enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path, string searchPattern)
- enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)
- getRoot (string path)
- current
- setCurrent (string path)
- move (string sourceDirName, string destDirName)
- logicalDrives
- File <M, RT>
- copy (string fromPath, string toPath, bool overwrite = false)
- move (string fromPath, string toPath)
- move (string fromPath, string toPath, bool overwrite)
- appendAllLines (string path, IEnumerable<string> contents)
- readAllLines (string path)
- writeAllLines (string path, Seq<string> lines)
- readAllText (string path)
- readAllBytes (string path)
- writeAllText (string path, string text)
- writeAllBytes (string path, byte[] data)
- delete (string path)
- exists (string path)
- openText (string path)
- createText (string path)
- appendText (string path)
- openRead (string path)
- open (string path, FileMode mode)
- open (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
- openWrite (string path)
- File <RT>
- copy (string fromPath, string toPath, bool overwrite = false)
- appendAllLines (string path, IEnumerable<string> contents)
- readAllLines (string path)
- writeAllLines (string path, Seq<string> lines)
- readAllText (string path)
- readAllBytes (string path)
- writeAllText (string path, string text)
- writeAllBytes (string path, byte[] data)
- delete (string path)
- exists (string path)
- openText (string path)
- createText (string path)
- appendText (string path)
- openRead (string path)
- open (string path, FileMode mode)
- open (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
- openWrite (string path)
- Stream <M>
- TextRead <M, RT>
- readLine
- readChar
- readToEnd
- readChars (int charCount)
- read (int charCount)
- close (TextReader reader)
- TextRead <RT>
class Directory <M, RT> Source #
property K<M, Seq<string>> logicalDrives Source #
Get the logical drives
method K<M, Unit> setCreationTime (string path, DateTime creationTime) Source #
Set the directory creation time
method K<M, Unit> setCreationTimeUtc (string path, DateTime creationTimeUtc) Source #
Set the directory creation time
method K<M, DateTime> getCreationTime (string path) Source #
Get the directory creation time
method K<M, DateTime> getCreationTimeUtc (string path) Source #
Get the directory creation time
method K<M, Unit> setLastWriteTime (string path, DateTime lastWriteTime) Source #
Set the directory last write time
method K<M, Unit> setLastWriteTimeUtc (string path, DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc) Source #
Set the directory last write time
method K<M, DateTime> getLastWriteTime (string path) Source #
Get the directory last write time
method K<M, DateTime> getLastWriteTimeUtc (string path) Source #
Get the directory last write time
method K<M, Unit> setLastAccessTime (string path, DateTime lastAccessTime) Source #
Set the directory last access time
method K<M, Unit> setLastAccessTimeUtc (string path, DateTime lastAccessTimeUtc) Source #
Set the directory last access time
method K<M, DateTime> getLastAccessTime (string path) Source #
Get the directory last access time
method K<M, DateTime> getLastAccessTimeUtc (string path) Source #
Get the directory last access time
method K<M, Seq<string>> enumerateDirectories (string path) Source #
Enumerate directories
method K<M, Seq<string>> enumerateDirectories (string path, string searchPattern) Source #
Enumerate directories
method K<M, Seq<string>> enumerateDirectories (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) Source #
Enumerate directories
method K<M, Seq<string>> enumerateFiles (string path) Source #
Enumerate files
method K<M, Seq<string>> enumerateFiles (string path, string searchPattern) Source #
Enumerate files
method K<M, Seq<string>> enumerateFiles (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) Source #
Enumerate files
method K<M, Seq<string>> enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path) Source #
Enumerate file system entries
method K<M, Seq<string>> enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path, string searchPattern) Source #
Enumerate file system entries
method K<M, Seq<string>> enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) Source #
Enumerate file system entries
method K<M, Unit> setCurrent (string path) Source #
Set the current directory
param | path |
property Eff<RT, Seq<string>> logicalDrives Source #
Get the logical drives
method Eff<RT, Unit> setCreationTime (string path, DateTime creationTime) Source #
Set the directory creation time
method Eff<RT, Unit> setCreationTimeUtc (string path, DateTime creationTimeUtc) Source #
Set the directory creation time
method Eff<RT, DateTime> getCreationTime (string path) Source #
Get the directory creation time
method Eff<RT, DateTime> getCreationTimeUtc (string path) Source #
Get the directory creation time
method Eff<RT, Unit> setLastWriteTime (string path, DateTime lastWriteTime) Source #
Set the directory last write time
method Eff<RT, Unit> setLastWriteTimeUtc (string path, DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc) Source #
Set the directory last write time
method Eff<RT, DateTime> getLastWriteTime (string path) Source #
Get the directory last write time
method Eff<RT, DateTime> getLastWriteTimeUtc (string path) Source #
Get the directory last write time
method Eff<RT, Unit> setLastAccessTime (string path, DateTime lastAccessTime) Source #
Set the directory last access time
method Eff<RT, Unit> setLastAccessTimeUtc (string path, DateTime lastAccessTimeUtc) Source #
Set the directory last access time
method Eff<RT, DateTime> getLastAccessTime (string path) Source #
Get the directory last access time
method Eff<RT, DateTime> getLastAccessTimeUtc (string path) Source #
Get the directory last access time
method Eff<RT, Seq<string>> enumerateDirectories (string path) Source #
Enumerate directories
method Eff<RT, Seq<string>> enumerateDirectories (string path, string searchPattern) Source #
Enumerate directories
method Eff<RT, Seq<string>> enumerateDirectories (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) Source #
Enumerate directories
method Eff<RT, Seq<string>> enumerateFiles (string path) Source #
Enumerate files
method Eff<RT, Seq<string>> enumerateFiles (string path, string searchPattern) Source #
Enumerate files
method Eff<RT, Seq<string>> enumerateFiles (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) Source #
Enumerate files
method Eff<RT, Seq<string>> enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path) Source #
Enumerate file system entries
method Eff<RT, Seq<string>> enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path, string searchPattern) Source #
Enumerate file system entries
method Eff<RT, Seq<string>> enumerateFileSystemEntries (string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) Source #
Enumerate file system entries
method Eff<RT, Unit> setCurrent (string path) Source #
Set the current directory
param | path |
File IO
method K<M, Unit> copy (string fromPath, string toPath, bool overwrite = false) Source #
Copy file
type | RT | Runtime |
param | fromPath | Source path |
param | toPath | Destination path |
param | overwrite | Overwrite if the file already exists at the destination |
returns | Unit |
method K<M, Unit> move (string fromPath, string toPath) Source #
Move file
type | RT | Runtime |
param | fromPath | Source path |
param | toPath | Destination path |
returns | Unit |
method K<M, Unit> move (string fromPath, string toPath, bool overwrite) Source #
Move file
type | RT | Runtime |
param | fromPath | Source path |
param | toPath | Destination path |
param | overwrite | Overwrite if the file already exists at the destination |
returns | Unit |
method K<M, Unit> appendAllLines (string path, IEnumerable<string> contents) Source #
Append lines to the end of the file provided
method K<M, Seq<string>> readAllLines (string path) Source #
Read all of the lines from the path provided
method K<M, Unit> writeAllLines (string path, Seq<string> lines) Source #
Write all of the lines to the path provided
method K<M, string> readAllText (string path) Source #
Read all of the text from the path provided
method K<M, byte[]> readAllBytes (string path) Source #
Read all of the data from the path provided
method K<M, Unit> writeAllText (string path, string text) Source #
Write all of the text to the path provided
method K<M, Unit> writeAllBytes (string path, byte[] data) Source #
Write all of the data to the path provided
method K<M, TextWriter> createText (string path) Source #
Create a new text file to stream to
method K<M, TextWriter> appendText (string path) Source #
Return a stream to append text to
File IO
method Eff<RT, Unit> copy (string fromPath, string toPath, bool overwrite = false) Source #
Copy file
type | RT | Runtime |
param | fromPath | Source path |
param | toPath | Destination path |
param | overwrite | Overwrite if the file already exists at the destination |
returns | Unit |
method Eff<RT, Unit> appendAllLines (string path, IEnumerable<string> contents) Source #
Append lines to the end of the file provided
method Eff<RT, Seq<string>> readAllLines (string path) Source #
Read all of the lines from the path provided
method Eff<RT, Unit> writeAllLines (string path, Seq<string> lines) Source #
Write all of the lines to the path provided
method Eff<RT, string> readAllText (string path) Source #
Read all of the text from the path provided
method Eff<RT, byte[]> readAllBytes (string path) Source #
Read all of the data from the path provided
method Eff<RT, Unit> writeAllText (string path, string text) Source #
Write all of the text to the path provided
method Eff<RT, Unit> writeAllBytes (string path, byte[] data) Source #
Write all of the data to the path provided
method Eff<RT, TextWriter> createText (string path) Source #
Create a new text file to stream to
method Eff<RT, TextWriter> appendText (string path) Source #
Return a stream to append text to
class TextRead <M, RT> Source #
property PipeT<TextReader, string, M, Unit> readLine Source #
Open a text file and streams the lines through the pipe
property Pipe<RT, TextReader, string, Unit> readLine Source #
Open a text file and streams the lines through the pipe