
LanguageExt.Core Traits Monads Monad


class MonadExtensions Source #

Monad module


method K<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> ( this K<M, A> ma, Func<A, K<M, B>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Monad bind operation


type A

Initial bound value type

type B

Intermediate bound value type

param f

Monadic bind function



method K<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> ( this K<M, A> ma, Func<A, Pure<B>> f) Source #

where M : Functor<M>

Monad bind operation


type A

Initial bound value type

type B

Intermediate bound value type

param f

Monadic bind function



method K<M, B> Bind <M, A, B> ( this K<M, A> ma, Func<A, K<IO, B>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Monad bind operation


type A

Initial bound value type

type B

Intermediate bound value type

param f

Monadic bind function



method K<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this K<M, A> ma, Func<A, K<M, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Monad bind operation


type A

Initial bound value type

type B

Intermediate bound value type

type C

Target bound value type

param bind

Monadic bind function

param project

Projection function



method K<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this K<M, A> ma, Func<A, Pure<B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

where M : Functor<M>

Monad bind operation


type A

Initial bound value type

type B

Intermediate bound value type

type C

Target bound value type

param bind

Monadic bind function

param project

Projection function



method K<M, C> SelectMany <M, A, B, C> ( this K<M, A> ma, Func<A, K<IO, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Monad bind operation


type A

Initial bound value type

type B

Intermediate bound value type

type C

Target bound value type

param bind

Monadic bind function

param project

Projection function



method K<M, A> Flatten <M, A> (this K<M, K<M, A>> mma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Monadic join operation


type M

Monad trait

type A

Bound value type

param mma

Joined monad

class MonadExtensions Source #

Monad module


method K<M, K<N, B>> BindT <M, N, A, B> (this K<M, K<N, A>> mna, Func<A, K<N, B>> f) Source #

where M : Functor<M>
where N : Monad<N>

Runs a monadic bind operation on the nested monads

If you're working with an inner monad that is concrete then you will first need to call KindT to cast the monad to a more general K version. This enables the T variant extensions (like BindT, `MapT, etc.) to work without providing excessive generic arguments all the way down the chain.


type M

Outer monad trait

type N

Inner monad trait

type A

Input bound value

type B

Output bound value

param mna

Nested monadic value

param f

Bind function


Mapped value


var mx = Seq<Option>(Some(1), Some(2), Some(3));

var ma = mx.KindT<Seq, Option, Option, int>() .BindT(a => Some(a + 1)) .MapT(a => a + 1); .AsT<Seq, Option, Option, int>();

method K<M, K<N, B>> BindT <M, N, A, B> (this K<M, K<N, A>> mna, Func<A, K<M, K<N, B>>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>
where N : Monad<N>, Traversable<N>

Runs a monadic bind operation on the nested monads

If you're working with an inner monad that is concrete then you will first need to call KindT to cast the monad to a more general K version. This enables the T variant extensions (like BindT, `MapT, etc.) to work without providing excessive generic arguments all the way down the chain.


type M

Outer monad trait

type N

Inner monad trait

type A

Input bound value

type B

Output bound value

param mna

Nested monadic value

param f

Bind function


Mapped value


var mx = Seq<Option>(Some(1), Some(2), Some(3));

var ma = mx.KindT<Seq, Option, Option, int>() .BindT(a => Seq(Some(a + 1))) .MapT(a => a + 1); .AsT<Seq, Option, Option, int>();

class Monad Source #

Monad module


method K<M, A> pure <M, A> (A value) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method K<M, A> flatten <M, A> (K<M, K<M, A>> mma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method K<M, B> bind <M, A, B> (K<M, A> ma, Func<A, K<M, B>> f) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

method MB bind <M, MB, A, B> (K<M, A> ma, Func<A, MB> f) Source #

where MB : K<M, B>
where M : Monad<M>

interface Monad <M> Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Monad trait


type M

Self referring trait


method K<M, B> Bind <A, B> (K<M, A> ma, Func<A, K<M, B>> f) Source #

method K<M, A> Flatten <A> (K<M, K<M, A>> mma) Source #

method K<M, B> Map <A, B> (Func<A, B> f, K<M, A> ma) Source #

method K<M, A> LiftIO <A> (IO<A> ma) Source #

Lifts the IO monad into a monad transformer stack.

If this method isn't overloaded in the inner monad or any monad in the stack on the way to the inner monad then it will throw an exception.

This isn't ideal - however it appears to be the only way to achieve this kind of functionality in C# without resorting to magic.


type A

Bound value type

param ma

IO computation to lift


The outer monad with the IO monad lifted into it

method K<M, Func<K<M, A>, IO<A>>> UnliftIO <A> () Source #

Unlifts the IO monad from the monad transformer stack.

If the WithRunInIO method isn't overloaded in the inner monad or any monad in the stack on the way to the inner monad then it will throw an exception.

This isn't ideal - however it appears to be the only way to achieve this kind of functionality in C# without resorting to magic.


type A

Bound value type


The outer monad with the IO monad lifted into it

method K<M, B> WithRunInIO <A, B> (Func<Func<K<M, A>, IO<A>>, IO<B>> inner) Source #

Unlifts the IO monad from the monad transformer stack.

If this method isn't overloaded in the inner monad or any monad in the stack on the way to the inner monad then it will throw an exception.

This isn't ideal - however it appears to be the only way to achieve this kind of functionality in C# without resorting to magic.


type A

Bound value type

param mma

IO computation to lift


The outer monad with the IO monad lifted into it

class MonadIO Source #

Monad module


method K<M, A> liftIO <M, A> (IO<A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Embeds the IO monad into the M<A> monad. NOTE: This will fail if the monad transformer stack doesn't have an IO monad as its inner-most monad.

method K<M, Func<K<M, A>, IO<A>>> unliftIO <M, A> () Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Unlifts the IO monad from the monad transformer stack.

If the WithRunInIO method isn't overloaded in the inner monad or any monad in the stack on the way to the inner monad then it will throw an exception.

This isn't ideal - however it appears to be the only way to achieve this kind of functionality in C# without resorting to magic.


type A

Bound value type


The outer monad with the IO monad lifted into it

method K<M, B> withRunInIO <M, A, B> (Func<Func<K<M, A>, IO<A>>, IO<B>> inner) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Unlifts the IO monad from the monad transformer stack.

If the WithRunInIO method isn't overloaded in the inner monad or any monad in the stack on the way to the inner monad then it will throw an exception.

This isn't ideal - however it appears to be the only way to achieve this kind of functionality in C# without resorting to magic.


type A

Bound value type

param mma

IO computation to lift


The outer monad with the IO monad lifted into it

method K<M, IO<A>> toIO <M, A> (K<M, A> ma) Source #

where M : Monad<M>

Convert an action in M to an action in IO.


type M
type A
param ma